BacpackWe her, it sounds like you are in pretty good shape water-wise. Right now we are good for about 40 - 45 days with stored water, not even counting the water heater tank. There is a small river about 3/4 a mile away that could provide some water, but it is certainly not potable and would have to have treatment. I have a number of 5 gallon pails that I could use to carry back and forth - as long as I have fuel for the SUV. We do keep at least 1 gallon of chlorine bleach on hand, as well as some smaller water filters. If we get into much more than 2 months of no water supply I could be in for a world of hurt. No underground water near us to our knowledge. We have a weekend vacation place in the mountains that is about 75 yards from a small underground source that is not too deep. The neighbor on whose property sits above it has said we could get some from them if we are up there. Our situation is such that we plan to bug-in. We are fairly well supplied at home and it is in a fairly good defensible position if it should come to that. At our mountain place we do not have that much stored supplies, perhaps about a weeks worth at best and it is very vulnerable from all sides.