A little sooner than 2050..! The clip alleges the ice caps could melt as soon as the end of summer 2015. Of course there is partial re-freezing during winters, but..!


Saw this on the CBC news Thursday night. It seems the melting is going far faster than anyone thought/predicted.

Worse, per the clip, once the ice is gone the energy reflecting action of the ice will be lost, and the water will absorb the sun's energy instead. This accellerated warming with then melt the permafrost in Siberia & northern Canada; allegedly the decaying bio-matter in the permafrost will then release enough methane to equate 4x the CO2 effect mankind has caused since the industrial revolution.

I don't know how much sea levels would rise, much less the effect on weather patterns.

Industry will get quite excited however, as it will mean large new territory to exploit.

From a prepping perspective, this first makes me concerned for food production as drastic weather changes are rarely positive. Second, I can't imagine what weather changes/storms this would bring.
