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Thread: June Bug Out Exercise - Reviews and Observations

  1. #11
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LUNCHBOX View Post
    M, I just read that you had your fire kit, flare and batteries all in the same pouch as your fuel canister. I was just wondering if that is a good idea.....We all should know the answer, I know you were out testing your gear for all of us but your safety should be first and foremost.
    Hmmm... You know... with all the separate elements being self contained it never even crossed my mind. I've got some different ideas for repacking, which will rectify that. You won't see the combination again. Good call.
    Consilio et animis


  2. #12
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    I wondered what the stove was you were using. It looks very similar to the MSR Pocket Rocket. The look nice, and I wondered how the output and fuel consumption was. Thanks for the info.

    It's amazing how well you can sleep when out away from distractions and noise. Seems like I always sleep well.

  3. #13
    Damn the propane, save the bacon!

    LUNCHBOX's Avatar
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    Just to clarify one thing though, the flare and firestarter were propably ok by themselves, but batteries can heat up when touching +pos to +pos. (I always tape mine side by side when packed)
    Be ready now, you won't have that chance later.

  4. #14
    Crotch Rocket

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    Oh. My batteries are all still side by side in their original packaging. I might have actually been alright.

    As for my stove, these reviewers seem to have a more experience with it than I do, I was calculating off some specs I found awhile back
    Coleman Peak1 Micro Butane Stove Customer Ratings & Reviews - Top & Best Rated Products - Walmart
    Consilio et animis


  5. #15
    Has been known to look at Izzy's trunk. Stares at the junk in Izzy's trunk. Get it...he's checking out Izzy's trunk.

    Kodiak's Avatar
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    Great thread, hopefully myself and Lunchbox will be going out soon for a night or two to test some gear and such.

    After looking at the different saw's you were testing and seeing that some worked and others didnt, if you get a chance try the Gerber Outdoors Gator II Combo Axe MFG# 22-41420 - We have used it on a few trips and it works very well. The axe and saw work great, and the saw fits into the axe handle.
    “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” ~ G.K. Chesterton

  6. #16
    Crotch Rocket

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    I would absolutely love if I could do this on a buddy system. So far though, I haven't been too effective in getting anyone out with me.

    I've been eyeing that combo axe for some time. I just haven't gotten around to picking it up yet. I've read reviews stating the saw falls out too easily though. Have you had any problem with it there?
    Consilio et animis


  7. #17
    Crotch Rocket

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Stig View Post
    This is fantastic stuff. I can't begin to express how helpful and informative this is.
    Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
    Rat, Great review of the trip. I have a Esbit I picked up recently and haven't tried it out yet so glad to here it's better the trioxene(used those and wasn't satisfied ofr cooking. Also the chain saw you like'd is very similar to what I've been looking at. It comes with 2 short hard nylon (I think) handles instread of the rings. I like the can holder though.
    The concealment looked to be 1st rate to me after a bit of work. Most folks would walk right by and never see it.

    I for one very much appreceiate the report.
    Thanks guys!

    I really can't wait to get some more experience and get past the basics to do some cooler things out there, like forage for wild edibles, or maybe be able to get a snap shot off to hit the rodent skittering in my AO. Of course trapping it would be easier. I had removed the mouse traps from my kit long ago, but I believe I may replace them now. They're small and light weight enough for it.
    Consilio et animis


  8. #18
    Has been known to look at Izzy's trunk. Stares at the junk in Izzy's trunk. Get it...he's checking out Izzy's trunk.

    Kodiak's Avatar
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    I havnt had any issues with the saw falling out, ive even cut wood with the axe with the saw still in the handle with no problems.
    “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” ~ G.K. Chesterton

  9. #19
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    Interesting. There's a good chance I'll be adding this to my pile of gear soon then.
    Consilio et animis


  10. #20
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