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Thread: Ohio CCW law

  1. #11
    The hot sexy one

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    Quote Originally Posted by mitunnelrat View Post
    You kind of answered than one yourself though, TS. You have to commit a crime to be convicted for it, but that hasn't stopped the un/miseducated and/or anti-OC LEO's of numerous states from arresting proponents for it anyway. Not that I'm saying this of TOOTHPICK, but the fears over loss of time, monetary expense, and the associated social stigma are enough to dissuade many people from "carrying" (if you can excuse the pun) the ownership and bearing of firearms back into a mainstream activity.
    I fear you are very right on that aspect, I have had several people ask me why I hired a "high dollar gun' to fight my "Obstruction of official business" charge...

    There are many who have given their lives and/or forsaken their families for our Freedoms.............. and most of our current citizens will just flush those Freedoms down the toilet to save a dollar, spending the money to fight a court battle or donating the money to help one is a lot easier than wearing bulletproof vests, cleaning sand from your actions and eating MREs...................

  2. #12
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fatty View Post
    Wisconsin has similar wording in their ccw and I'm willing to bet people will screw it up. I was always a little bothered why they'd make drinking and handgun purchases possible at the same age lol. Back in the day on the farm, a 12 year old knew what personal responsibility was and I could easily trust one back then to have a pistol. Nowadays I wouldn't trust most 30 year olds with a pellet gun.

    Very large gap in levels of maturity. Just my honest opinion on the matter.
    As a somewhat newer member to this cheesehead state, Im glad I came in when CCW is finally becoming an option. Unfortunately, now, working at a shooting academy, I see a lot of folks coming in discussing CCW that I wouldnt trust with a potato gun.

  3. #13
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stormfeather View Post
    As a somewhat newer member to this cheesehead state, Im glad I came in when CCW is finally becoming an option. Unfortunately, now, working at a shooting academy, I see a lot of folks coming in discussing CCW that I wouldnt trust with a potato gun.
    Damn...aint that the truth. Even with my distant involvement with a gunstore and instructing I saw some folks that just flat shouldn't own a gun let alone carry it.

    I've had to rectify my stance on 2A with the fact that in some ways I think gun control isn't always a bad thing. There are a lot of window lickers out there.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  4. #14
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
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    The sad part, is the window lickers think they are going to be packing and helping out police or something if the situation arises. . . they have no idea that they should be nothing more than a good witness unless their lives are in danger. But no, they plan on the dirty harry route. . .So sad that they think this no matter how much I explain it to them that this is not what a CCW is for.

  5. #15
    The hot sexy one

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stormfeather View Post
    The sad part, is the window lickers think they are going to be packing and helping out police or something if the situation arises. . . they have no idea that they should be nothing more than a good witness unless their lives are in danger. But no, they plan on the dirty harry route. . .So sad that they think this no matter how much I explain it to them that this is not what a CCW is for.
    You want know to the saddest part.....................The instructors I have been involved with talk about defending a third party if needed........I thought for sure I was going to be thrown from class one evening over my thoughts....

    Self defense is "SELF" defense, to include family...........One instructor was giving "what If ", questions, one involved a gas station armed robbery......My answer "watch" , That did not go over good.............He said "you must be able to live with yourself".........

    My response.............That is my plan, to live, why should I open myself up to harm either financially or physically to protect someone who has the same choices and options as I to procure a permit ,and gun to defend themselves. If they do not believe their lives are worth the effort, why should I risk mine and my family's to protect them.
    The only thing that might pull me off of that "thought process" will be a child in danger........They cannot make that choice. If I go down or a hardship happens because of my actions then several other ppl are directly affected.

  6. #16
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
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    Mostly I agree with you here TS. Coming to someones defense can be very tricky, especially if the person who you think is an innocent party turns out not to be! I think for the most part, I would have no issue coming to the defense of the eldery or young children, but a full grown adult, well, unless it was extenuating circumstances, I plan on being a good witness for the most part.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Stig View Post
    Damn...aint that the truth. Even with my distant involvement with a gunstore and instructing I saw some folks that just flat shouldn't own a gun let alone carry it.

    I've had to rectify my stance on 2A with the fact that in some ways I think gun control isn't always a bad thing. There are a lot of window lickers out there.
    I HATE when someone makes a logical comment regarding gun control. But then again, what they call gun control and we call reasonable restrictions are two very different things. Sadly this is also what so many pollsters use to "prove" that the majority of people are pro gun control. Asking questions that that point to reasonable restrictions sounds reasonable , but to the rabid antis, it proves pro gun control...

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by TroubleShooter View Post
    You want know to the saddest part.....................The instructors I have been involved with talk about defending a third party if needed........I thought for sure I was going to be thrown from class one evening over my thoughts....

    Self defense is "SELF" defense, to include family...........One instructor was giving "what If ", questions, one involved a gas station armed robbery......My answer "watch" , That did not go over good.............He said "you must be able to live with yourself".........

    My response.............That is my plan, to live, why should I open myself up to harm either financially or physically to protect someone who has the same choices and options as I to procure a permit ,and gun to defend themselves. If they do not believe their lives are worth the effort, why should I risk mine and my family's to protect them.
    The only thing that might pull me off of that "thought process" will be a child in danger........They cannot make that choice. If I go down or a hardship happens because of my actions then several other ppl are directly affected.
    The one thing that people seem to miss, is that unless there is danger to life or limb an armed Robbery is JUST a robbery. Just do as the perp says and you will walk away from it alive. Pull a piece during a simple robbery and you suddenly escalate it from a robbery and put the fear of the loss of life into the perp, and risk THEM shooting first. You only draw if you have no choice. It IS that simple. Now, there is more to the story for a LEO, such as the way the perp is acting, perps eye pupil reaction, sweating vs ambient temperature, and other stress indicators, history of recent regional criminal activity, and so forth. The simple fact is that misuse of the concealed weapon, can trigger a shooting, just as much as a properly used weapon can prevent one. SO just as the consensus here states, unless there are extreme circumstances, Be a good witness, that firearm is primarily for the protection of yourself and your family UNLESS the shooting as already started, and that is the primary extreme circumstance.



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