We actually have a local preparedness store, just over a mile away.
From them, we've acquired a #10 can of heirloom seeds, and my plan was to get a couple more.
Anyway, I was talking with the wife about this, and saying maybe we should be running a garden now, since it takes a bit to get good at it. She did try a garden two years in a row a few years back. But, the soil here isn't great, low ground with solid clay just a few inches down. Roots are everywhere, since they cannot go down, they go out. The ground here stays wet if there's any rain at all. Also, there isn't a lot of sun anywhere, just maybe some afternoon sun in spots. Also, she was really starting to feel bad from the things we now know she has, but it wasn't getting treated, and she just quit tending it.
So we were thinking this time we'd do raised garden beds. Then, we could put better soil in, and maybe not have so much water.
Probably start in the spring.

Any ideas, suggestions?