RATboy, obstructions are mostly a consideration for VHF and UHF (800, etc..)

With HF, your RF is mostly going up at say, a 45 deg angle off your dipole, hitting the ionsphere and then bouncing back down... You could be in a gully and not get out with VHF but make FB contacts on HF no problems..

Your elevation and such "do" play a part, but its not significant as you may think.. I build my own antennas and have had better luck with DIY than with "store bought" antennas.

Remember, the angle of RF is greater with dipoles than with verticals. I had my BEST luck with a HB vertical (video to come soon I hope). Nothing fancy, just wire in the air and GROUNDED OFF A CHAIN LINK FENCE FOR COUNTERPOISE! Ive QSOed California and several islands with it and only 100W.

Anywho... Gotta go, Ill keep in touch, well do a QSO via phone and go from there.. Maybe setup a semi weelky SKed for the colony....

Keep the faith, ever forward! HORAH