I have a preparedness failure that I wanted to share. While embarrassing I hope you all can learn from my dumbassadry.

So the country is being slow baked by the wicked high temps right? Being the preparedness guru it should cross my mind that (1) power grids tend to fail and (2) air conditioners really tend to fail under such high loads.


Dumbass 1: I have a generator that I've never started to see if it works

Dumbass 2: I have no window unit that could be powered by said generator

Dumbass 3: Even if I had a window unit as a backup to the house HVAC system, I've let my supply of gas get very low. I used a bunch of it gassing up 2x riding mowers, a neighbors ZTR and other lawn implements.

So I have a generator that might work, very little to fuel it, and nothing to power.

Even as I type this I'm realizing we don't have any electric fans that we could toss in a window. Our cooling system is dependent on a heatpump of suspect quality and some ceiling fans.

Holy bat-dip....talk about being completely unprepared.

Let this be a lesson to you kids, there's always some aspect of your prepps that gets overlooked and can bite you in the ass.