Being a solo, and a walmart employee (ergo broke as ***k), I'm pretty much unopinionated on this topic.

Those of you who are intending to bug out WSHTF (not ISHTF) to a predetermined, prepared location... It's always been my wonder how you are making sure that your location is intact and the prep you emplaced there is still there. For those that are hoping to bail and regroup as a larger group, this is key; it'd be a rough go finding your location buried by rockslide or avalanche, burned by a fire, flooded out, or simply just looted by some dirtbag.

Hence the thought of some live-in person or persons at the site, doing such maintenance as needs be done, keeping things ready against Der Tag, and repelling sticky fingered vagabonds.


Moderator(s): if this topic ids already been / being discussed, feel free to close this thread and leave me a pmail as to where it is.
