I don't remember if I put this tidbit in on my previous posts on this topic.

All my HF radios are modified to transmit in particular on the CB bands. I do not spend a lot of time there but occasionally stop by to speak to people I still know.

In fact my HF radios will transmit from the AM Broadcasting bands to the 400 MHZ bands pretty much straight through.

It was my desire to have this feature particularly in case SHTF...and not be limited.

I am careful about where I transmit..and do not go about trying to foment chaos or become two legged wildlife as I have heard too much of this on the CB bands and sometimes on the ham bands.

This is one of the reasons my friend out in Tennessee and I have gotten our extra class license to get away from what I sometimes call."Two legged wildlife."

We had enough of it on the CB bands and don't care for it on any band...period.

Extra class privileges gives us quiet room down at the end of each band.

Nonetheless My HF rigs have been so modified.

I have decided for the time being ...against getting a FT 857 as they do not modify in this ability to open the transmit bands as do previous models of HF radios.

When I got my FT 100D I particularly had this mod done to it.
