
One of my bosses managed to shiv me in the back regarding an evaluation. To be fairer than she deserves, I had thought that the eval was going, as has in the past, into a paper file. Instead, this year it was directly put into the same computers that WM uses to oversee transfers.

WM has standardized evals all to be done in one month of the year instead of annually related to the person's hire date. Additionally, the thing is a one page monstrosity, with the ONLY data asked for by the victim being their signature.

On top of that, WM pretty much COLA'ed our wages this year, so the 2016 eval, from a wage point of view, was useless to the management creeps that use it as a power trip over the people they oversee. Part and parcel why I didn't fight it as much as I should have, figuring the twerp was gettig its jones off.

I did not know of this change till about two WEEKS ago. Abovementioned twerp may have not known... and I'm 70% sure it would not have deterred her. I'm 90% sure she wouldn't/didn't mention of its direct linking if she HAD known.

So... my eight years of experience in sporting goods is nullified, effectively. I get to transfer as a cart pusher. fine and dandy; I will be the best damn one at it and damned well will, after six months, pressing as hard as hell for SG openings.

I'm a fair bit pissed at myself... for the past year I had been trying to transfer, and for the past nine months it'd been locked out with me all unknowing.

Side Note: WM at this store has a IT tech slot (no, I don't even begin to qualify) and said tech falls directly under the store manager. Abovementioned twerp cursed out the IT on the floor and apparantly in front of customers for him simply saying he was going home (end of shift).

Said tech went to his direct boss and said twerp is right now in deep kimchi.

Possibly of the firing kind.

( Store Mgr does not like said twerp and the IT tech slot is an experimental program that doesn't need said twerp interfering with it.)

As it stands, I have sent (cart pusher) transfer applications to the stores in Tullahoma, Manchester, and Winchester, and will be following up on them on the phone B&E Monday morning for attempted transfer dates in late February. The Store Mgr DOES have override over the twerp, so I may have a shot at Sports... time will tell.

One major concern I do have out there... I do not own a car. And I am one of those who never mastered a stick. Anyone know if there is a electronic version of the Nifty Nickel or other used car paper, local to the East TN area, to where I can start getting a feel for pricing and type on a truck? (minivan if I HAVE to... sheesh)

yr observant and surly emigre to be,
