Glad to hear we got some closure, they found the sailors on board. poor SOBs were drowned in the compartment, I know they were fighting their asses off to save that compartment from flooding. Brave souls............RIP.

Big brother (Him Chief too, Fire Dept. Ret.)just let me know his friends son is on the Fitz and that his Chief posted on Face Book that he was present and accounted for. So far so good.

OK people (not directed at anyone specific it only meant for those that are link instruction blind, refuse follow instructions, speak out of turn with out knowing shit, etc.) Did you happen to go to the link I sent? Did you push the button on the little ship that said "track"?......... If you did, you'll see there was a line that dropped there when you did it, along that line there were little arrows, each one of those little arrows along the track if you click on them will give you a course, speed and date and time. If that incident happened at 0230 local, as they say, Japan is +9 UTC, that would make it 1730 UTC time. Find the ships position at time 1730 UTC, "speculate" from there is all I can do. So I followed it and you will see that the Crystal had already turned around and was around the point of their original course change. That loop was approx. 20 miles. (check scale at bottom of screen) The Fitz was hit on her STBD side the Crystal was hit on her Port Bow. It's almost a T-bone, every Naval Officer is trained to turn to STBD in the event of a meeting situation. (ship to ship) collision. It doesn't add up if they claim it was the reason for the very first course change on their (Crystal) track at time 1630 one hour before. Again, I can only speculate without having the Fitz's track. I'm just going off my experience in ship handling and having to be grilled by Naval Officers. I've "driven" Piloted whatever you want to call it ships throughout the world and I was always on the bridge. Sure would like to hear what happened from one of the "enlisted" bridge watch standers. There you will get the real story. Preferably the Helmsman, and Boatswainsmate of the Watch, he would be in charge/take charge of ALL the enlisted bridge watch standers. Yup, a six pack a suds and a one on one and I'll have the real story.