Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
Hope I didn't post this when someone might have started a thread. Yesterday I went to pick up my daughter (hour and a half drive) during the course of this little jaunt I listened to my local talk radio station. This is what I heard, the little people made it to the southern boarder of Mexico, got turned around, they regrouped and stormed the gate....uh, chain link fence. So in they came, our southern neighbors let them through without incident. Now I'm not getting into the details, just general statements here. We know who funded it (soros), the timing is with the mid-term elections. They will be coming to our border soon.
Question number one. How many of the mexicans will join up with the "caravan" en route to our border? AND We know they will.
Number two. What's our (current administration) plan to stop this invasion? Cause that's what it is.
Number three. Will the POTUS send the military or not? It will take "thousands" of our best.
Number four.rojectiles/BB's. What will be to ROE (rules of engagement) when said caravan meets our border? I recommend non-lethal ammo. Bean bags and rubber bullets/p
Number five. Once they cross the border, will us Americans (border states) be protected?
I could make the list longer.

Comment: I/WE military folks swore an oath to protect and defend against ALL ENEMIES both foreign and domestic. I know we, whether retired, or having served less than 20 won't stand for it (I might be prone). Unless they had a sex change operation, got pacification training so as not to hurt the enemie's feelings. We have a very serious situation here ants. THIS IS NOT THE PREPS WHAT WE WERE EXPECTING. I know in the past we went full tilt boogie survivalist mode during our last administration. But today is a different story. This is a no shit shurllock moment for our country. We (me and LadyHK) are and have been ready for such an ordeal. Being in the middle of moving was not in the plan right now.

REMEMBER! We don't, discuss things that are laid down in the SHTF site rule book, so tread lightly when responding. Suggestions and opinions we all have but stick with the site rules on this one. As the blood trickles down my lip from biting my tongue......be safe, be ready. I'll be gorilla glued to the situation. OUT!

How many of the mexicans will join up with the "caravan" en route to our border? AND We know they will.

1- Not just Mexicans ; Many middle easterners also . Thus multiplying their chances to sneak through because of work load. This is a planned invasion by Soros ; democratic leaders ; Deep State to torpedo the elections.

2- What's our (current administration) plan to stop this invasion? Cause that's what it is.

Military at border and stoppage of financial aid. That being said if Mexico doesn't stop them before border ; Trump's stance has been called . Either send troops and cut the money off and show them you don't bluff or do neither and risk losing your base come election time.

3- Will the POTUS send the military or not? It will take "thousands" of our best.

I've yet to see the man not back up his words with action. So I can see troops being sent unless those countries stop it before our border.

4- What will be to ROE (rules of engagement) when said caravan meets our border? I recommend non-lethal ammo. Bean bags and rubber bullets/ p

All of the above plus water ; tear gas ; sonic and micro wave weapons.

5- Once they cross the border, will us Americans (border states) be protected?
I could make the list longer.

Hopefully ; but then this looks like a futile attempt of a Bonsai maneuver when the enemy knows it's losing.

One's plans are tied to Murphy's law. Just when you think you're ahead of the game the rules and tactics change. Just like the majority of us you'll adapt and change as they do and plan for the next sequence of events just as you two did on active duty. That's all ; Over and out.

Run Low Drive On