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Need some advice. We have a pesky woodpecker. Let me explain, Our front of our house has cedar cladding and the corners of the house are wood. Back and sides and chimney are vinyl siding, corners are treated cedar painted brown. Over the last year there is a woodpecker trying to make a nest in the corners of the house and chimney. We've had the wood on the chimney clad in metal flashing and the hole it made on the house was filled with something that was supposed to harden so it couldn't get in. Didn't work so DH put a piece of FLEX seal tape, no more pecker. well yesterday DH and the lawn sprinkler guy were out trying to figure out why some of the system wasn't working and guess what, That Ratafarcken bird has started to make a hole in the corner of the shed.DH just put tape on that hole and has ordered these metal whirly gig things (they look like the old fashioned tin twist icicles for Christmas trees) to put on the eave of the shed. Has anyone ever used them or is there something else we can use to keep that pest away from the house and shed? It's not like we don't have a ton of trees it could nest in, it just likes our house for some reason. It's annoying when it gets going tapping tapping tapping in the night. Who's that rapping on my door LOL. Won't chase it off permanently as they do a great job getting the bugs, just want it to stay off my house. I will be talking to CB about cladding the corners of the house in the metal flashing.