Thank you, but I did know about the black/white, red/black thing.
I would like to put in solar backup here.
Actually, i'd like to have several of the more necessary circuits on solar full time, so if the grid goes down, I lose the extraneous stuff. Since I understand solar/battery should not just sit and wait.

Our place is a modular, out in the country. So, the first thing that happened was a pole was installed, with a meter, and box. A line runs from this box into the house, to it's box.
That means I have an outside, seperate box to work with. Currently, it has about 4-6 circuit spots, and it feeds the well and septic, and an rv hookup back on the property.
I want to replace this with a box having more spots, so I can run my alt power in, as well as feed the garage i've added, and a few extra, for any expansion.

The house is already lit by leds, and my two most used ceiling fans are DC motors, using 1/2 to 1/3 the power of ac fans. So, running that, well, septic, fridge, maybe microwave won't take that much. Maybe run the washer, when microwave not in use.