I've had a weekend of Just Do Its. I have processed rabbits before with the husband here. Last night did a set all on my own and tanned hides, no help. He's in NY just now for the Army. Then had my sister farm folks over today. I have been the official holder of pigs for a couple go rounds at their place as they castrated. Today they came over and he held, while she talked me through it and I did all the scalpel work myself.

Which brings me to my point. We reskill constantly, because we do beleive bad things are coming down the pike and want to more than anything change our mindsets to a "can do" mindset prior to shtf. Especially as a woman I think its imperative I learn to do things without my husband, just incase, and particularly in my situation where he is frequently deployed et all.

For those of you ladies here: take note. And for you men folk: are you encouraging your ladies to know how to do all the things you would do should shtf and you not be available?