You could almost walk down the street in full battle-rattle and with a rocket launcher strapped to your head. Most people will be oblivious. People are too wrapped up in their own lives to notice those around them.

That's not to say there aren't criminals in the world, or that evil doesn't exist. Could there be a drug addict mailwoman who makes mental notes on who's ordering the superpails of wheat and plans to bushwhack them should the need arise? Of course. And the "government" has far easier ways to collect information than having postal carriers note who's getting the Midway USA catalog.

Can it happen? Yes. Am I worried about it? About as much as I am werewolves.

Don't be reckless but there comes a point when you can be too paranoid.

ETA: Opsec slip up? Posting on and/or administrating a prepper/shtf website. Sidewinder, our opsec is already shot.