I have a habit of never throwing away hardly a thing. DH blows out the knees of his jeans and I have a pile for that...the zippers will come in handy some day, the pockets could be removed and sewn on something else (don't know what yet, but I know I'll need them someday), the rest of it will be cut up and made into a quilt. I find fabric that I like for $1.00 a yard and I buy the whole bolt (ok, it's 20 yards but I may have to make clothes with it, or reupholster a chair or braid it into a rug or make a quilt or trade it for something else I need). I find canning jars or lids on sale and I buy every case/box the store has because I know that I'll use them someday...maybe not this year but next...or maybe there won't be any available next year. I start eating yogurt around this time of year so I can save all the containers to start my seedlings over the winter...gonna be lots of them. If I buy new feather pillows I will save the old ones in case I need the feathers for something else. I save the little moisture absorbant packets that come in my pills or in beef jerky and put them all in a big bottle to reuse later......
Does anyone else do this kind of stuff? When I look at things I hate to throw them away if I think I can use them again later for something else. I have plastic bins of material just waiting to be used and old jeans to become someone's quilt to keep them warm when we one day have no power. I don't know if that's the survivor in me or me being a hoarder? Everything is nice and neat and put away so it's not like you see on t.v. but does that make a difference?