Thanks BP, encouraging words and good tip on the book...

But it goes beyond the concept of collecting money, but I reckon you already know that... It delves into the cess pool of lies and deceit... a valuable lesson in its self.

It should also lend to the lesson of what WEALTH really is... Jack Spirco still insist that land is wealth, and the more I try to cycle that lesson he gave in my head, the more I understand it to be valid.

The only problem with land ownership is, it is never really YOUR land, with the debt of personal property tax. Skip a few tax payments and see where your land goes...Another instrument of theift IMHO..

Leads me to another topic, which is... off topic.... As was said in the movie Gone With The Wind, the personal property tax was originated by the Union so the Confederates would pay for the war. I think the war is paid for, but we still have the tax. I gotta do more research on this one...

The older I get, the more I learn, the less I like things. Rose coloured glasses removed, I see shit. :-)

Even if she doesnt "get it" right now, she will be exposed to it early, rather than after she is *cough* 46 years old.