Well,I picked a fine day come back! While I never was a major contributor,, I always liked to lurk and see what was new.
My life has changed considerably since I first signed up.
I was a member of whenshtf.com before I came here. I was really getting tired of the daily soap opera over there and said so. As luck would have it, a member named AK47forU (something like that) invited me over here. I don't remember if I thanked him properly back then so, dude who ever you are/were, Thank you.
OK, so my problems, misfortunes, excuses Yada Yada etc , no real reason I do not contribute more. Lord knows I got more out of this place than I gave back. I wou.d sure hate to see us go under.
I'm getting too old to start over.
I am willing to contribute to a (reasonable) membership fee to keep the lights on,
Hell, does anyone even remember me?