How many of you forages for the wild foods that are out there? Now is the time to start looking for the food that nature has to offer. For the past 2 yrs I have been learning what my neck of the woods has to offer and every year on our property I find something new. But one of the things I have found that I don't have is Chicory. I have dug it up from the road side and tried planting it in each season, but it always dies. So I guess I will have to plant it this year. Here I will post all about foraging for food and everything related except the pics of the plants since we have them elsewhere on here. Please add to this as well. I have a notebook that AI keep handy, that I write down everything I find on my property and where I found it. I also take a picture of it to keep it on my computer in a file marked my wild foods. I have a book called "Edible Wild Plants and Useful Herbs" that I use as a field guide.

It is full of color pictures and very user friendly. I bought 2 of them, 1 for the house and the other for the field. Here are some links that can help you.

There is a lot of stuff on those to keep you busy and when you find something that you want to use, copy and paste it on
word or Office and print it out. I have a notebook with plastic sleeves and label dividers where I put my printouts. I have 1 on foraging, 1 on medical, 1 on herb medicine, 1 on homemade recipes (like bath soap, toothpaste) stuff like that.