LH asks, LH shall receive...

The idea behind companion planting is simple, you use the properties of one plant to benefit another. In the case that stimulated this thread, I showed some pics of my asparagus boxes, companion planted with parsley, as that is a known deterent for the asparagus beetle.

Another one that I have utilized effectively this summer, is planting onions surrounding my newly planted fruit trees. The smell of onions alone, keeps the bunnies far away! most of my friends and neighbours who also planted fruit trees this year, are hoping they'll sprout again next year, as the bottom 6 inches of bark has been eaten off them, and they died.

Another one I know, is cucumbers... deer nor bunnies seem to like them. if you have a large open garden, plant cukes around the outside. bunnies wont even go near a patch, and deer may nibble an odd leaf, but leave it pretty much alone!

Any one else?