Good morning everyone. Who else is excited that trapping season is about to open up? Well I am sure it is already open up north but us southerners are just about to kick it off.

I am not sure why there are not more trappers out there. Granted that pelts aren't worth what they used to be but it is still a good hobby to have and maintain. SHTF you might need a few sets to help supplement your food supply.

I trap coon and beaver on a regular basis during trapping season. With the occasional bobcat and fox in the mix.

Coons (or raccoon for you northern folk) are actually quite good to eat. I only make about 6 dollars for a coon hide but the meat is worth going trapping for.

Beaver has a bounty on it here in Arkansas. $15 per tail on my side of the state. Central and east part of the state is paying $20 a tail. And the meat is used for bobcat and fox sets and the hide brings $4.

Who else out there is a trapper?