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Thread: Is "Starship Troopers" the future of our Military?

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  1. #1
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    This is just a point I was trying to get across to someone yesterday and they just couldn't get it. Guess you'd have to be there to understand right?

    Let me put this as plain as possible. Said "tranny" joins and has become
    a "non-deployable liability" due to treatments, therapy and surgery
    requirements for the first say 3yrs. This "individual" is a useless tool
    and the rest of the military has to take up the slack. So I ask you,
    "Who here is willing to do all his combat deployments so he can become a
    liability? WHO.........YOU? I didn't think so..........I would,
    provided I can kick them out of service. Then I would consider it
    Justified. You try serving in a combat zone for someone that decides
    they don't want to be there, BTDT. Fine go home and kiss your family and
    tell them Senior says "you're welcome" not in my Navy or my military.
    Don't have room for cowards or mental cases, this is considered a
    pre-existing mental health condition and is therefore not military
    material.....................period. Just put it down on your Obama care.......
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  2. #2
    may be in trouble

    Join Date
    May 2015
    Mid-South TN
    Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
    This is just a point I was trying to get across to someone yesterday and they just couldn't get it. Guess you'd have to be there to understand right?

    Let me put this as plain as possible. Said "tranny" joins and has become
    a "non-deployable liability" due to treatments, therapy and surgery
    requirements for the first say 3yrs. This "individual" is a useless tool
    and the rest of the military has to take up the slack. So I ask you,
    "Who here is willing to do all his combat deployments so he can become a
    liability? WHO.........YOU? I didn't think so..........I would,
    provided I can kick them out of service. Then I would consider it
    Justified. You try serving in a combat zone for someone that decides
    they don't want to be there, BTDT. Fine go home and kiss your family and
    tell them Senior says "you're welcome" not in my Navy or my military.
    Don't have room for cowards or mental cases, this is considered a
    pre-existing mental health condition and is therefore not military
    material.....................period. Just put it down on your Obama care.......

    10 for 10, Chief.

    Service here was under Reagen, and no combat deployments. Didn't mean I was not ready to do my bit when the time came, though. OathKeepers have the right of it.... I put up my hand ON MY OWN... there was no gun at my back, no criminal sentence over my head if I didn't comply.

    I think, Chief, that some are wanting that free ride, completely oblivious or uncaring of the notion that it AIN'T free. Some are just doing it for their phiz in the news and 15 minutes of fame. Some trying to prove some point somehow... and THEY get all the airtime and print space and yadda yadda... That grunt in the field, or that worthy salt on the sea, doesn't get the attention, 'cause they are just plain soldiers that do their job and understand "duty", "shipmate" and other stuff that this other bunch couldn't understand with a 500 page manual complete with pictures. And apparently 'plain soldier' isn't high order air time.

    Stupid media. If not for those plain soldiers, they wouldn't be around.

    The plain soldier notions are NOT YET dead among the American populace. I mind that there is more than a few cases of troops coming back from overseas that get rounds of applause and thank-yous in the airports and docks they disembark into.

    Back on point... Original ST was in a time/place where you did service and EARNED your vote. Not all was military. The various services that were noteworthy for citizenship ( As opposed to taxpayer) were onerous at best and sometimes downright lethal at worst. But they showed that the person going through all that was one of those that put their lives in defense and upkeep of the nation.

    For all those in here who have gotten all in a huff by my entries, what advice I got for you is this:

    Disregard the highly dumbass movie and (scary thought )READ THE BOOK. Not the Cliff's notes... the actual book.




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