The second caveat of this backwardness...demonic nature of politics..of education...of the main stream media...and the events being this...

While all of this is going on and clearly from the left...or so we think....what is the Republican party doing with this kind of thinking ..this kind of logic and reasoning..?????

They are doing nothing...absolutely nothing. The so called Republican party cannot possibly be that stupid ...can they?? After all...most of them went to college did they not???

The Republican Party cannot possibly be that ignorant of what is going on out here...can they???

Yet while all of this is going on ..including the recent calls for gun control...they are dominantly silent.

Silence...on one issue promoted by the left after another after another.....Silent!!!

What this tells me is that the Republican Party is in on the Demonic scam going on by a conspiracy of silence. They are not the product advertised...they are not conservatives..but only Pseudo conservatives....only to "Appear" to be conservative for the purpose of getting votes.

The Republicans do not teach their people to think for themselves on these issues but remain silent...on them and so too the pseudo conservative Fox News.

Remember ...these people ...many are college graduates....

The Republican Party's investment in the American People... like the their a conspiracy and operation of silence on their part...not teaching the American People how to think for themselves.

The truth of this is how since the 2016 Election ..both Republicans and Democrats do not like Trump and company for breaking many out of their control template and showing America another way....out of the two party Demonic Bondage in thinking and actions.

Both Republicans and Democrats investment is in Ishmaelite bondage/ignorance....they are both Ishmaelites...

And ignorance can be a type of bondage.

Teach yourself and others how to think and break out of the binders for which someone wants to herd Americans.

The Republicans were mostly silent on what happened at Charlottesville...It was the President who finally spoke up and broke the leftist blame game.

Don't worry...someone is going to manufacture another Charlottesville...soon enough...soon enough!!

My .02,

Not an Ishmaelite.