Quote Originally Posted by Stg1swret View Post
There was no trial. The Deserter, I refuse to utter his name, plead guilty, so no one got to testify. Had the searchers and members of the command he served in been able to testify, the POS would have gotten a much heavier sentence. Yes he should have gotten a death sentence, but in today's PC culture, which unfortunately permeated the military, that was a non starter. You would of had to of held thid trial over 35 years ago to even get a chance of that happening.
I wonder if Trump, as C-in-C, can issue an order to reinstate hanging and firing squad for military crimes?

Deserter should be shunned, and probably will be. Egomaniacal scuz probably doesn't have a second's remorse, and probably should / will be monitored.

Situations like this make a body's skin crawl, that they wore the same uniform as this... thing.