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Thread: About Ishmael......Herding and Bondage..Involuntary Servitude...

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    About Ishmael......Herding and Bondage..Involuntary Servitude...

    Often in my posts you will see me use the term Ishamael or Ishmaelites.

    Ishmael is a term from the Olde Testament describing two brothers...or if you prefer..half bothers by different mothers.

    Ishmael and Isaac.

    In the New Testament in Galatians...Chapter 4 it is referring to the Olde Testament and describing what is going on with these two half brothers and what they allegorically represent in the New Testament.

    Herein it is described that Ishmael is of the bondwoman Hagar and is in bondage with her children.

    But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise.

    24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.

    25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.

    26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

    and furthermore..and important about Ishmaelites today...

    29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.

    Herein in Galatians Chapter 4 you see the basic outlines of what is an Ishmaelite and with thinking and knowledge ..wisdom... you can see where it is going.

    One of the dominant hallmarks of an Ishamelite is bondage...involuntary servitude...slavery.

    The other dominant hallmark is that they are of the flesh and fleshly things.

    The definition of slavery is that one has no determination of where and on what ones monies earned by labor...are spent.

    This is become more and more the definition of the states which are heavily and for years and years now...under strong democrat/leftist control.

    These states are become so much bondage....involuntary servitude of their citizens ...that those with any ability are leaving. The most dominant of these states where people are leaving is California. Those capable see the handwriting on the wall. Another such state is New York.

    These two states are in fact the two states wherein the media and or public education/a television and movie education ..try to imply that they lead the whole nation. Want to know anything about America...see New York and California. Everything else is flyover country.

    I don't think so. I think it is just the opposite ...because of the very fact that anyone who can is leaving. IN time this trend is going to be an "Exodus" as more and more people leave and begin running from these states as they tax their people more and more along with putting more and more restrictions on what people can do with their labors and monies.

    This is bondage...this is Ishmael...Ishmaelites at work.

    In the flesh....we have California again...Hollywood....and now if you think and know carefully...Politics...all of the flesh..selling, seducing, parroting and pimping out the flesh..for votes.
    It is clear to those who can think for themselves that Hollywood has it's head up the backside of Washington DC and vice versa..and both of them obviously do not have the best interests of the American people or this nation in mind.

    The very best they seem want to have is a LGBT agenda...across this land and even in our public school system.

    This too is Ishmael....of the is all they have...the very best..for our children and grand children....the flesh.
    Nothing for the spirit..but only for the flesh. Here they are clearly Ishmaelites.

    The Flesh...
    Remember these news stories...Parkland Florida, Baltimore,MD, The Charleston, South Carolina church shooting,
    Ferguson, Missouri, Travon Martin???

    Much of this is an attempt to hold all of America in guilt while promoting Victimization to hold the whole country guilty by race when most of America had nothing to do with these incidents which happened.
    Parkland, Florida again amounts to holding all of American guilty and ashamed of what happened and thus remove from America and Americans their property. This too is bondage and involuntary servitude.

    Yet all of America had nothing to do with these incidents...but the media , politicians, and these groups use and misuse these incidents to go after all of America and Americans. This is Ishmael....finding All of America and Americans guilty and trying to put social guilt and thus bondage upon all of America. To limit Americans and America by guilt programming...guilt conditioning...though all of America and Americans had nothing to do with what happened in these incidents. They need to herd all of America and Americans under their control..not promote liberty and freedom...under the Constitution of the Untied States.

    You see!!???

    You are going to see and observe this pattern happen over and over and the point you can recognize it coming...

    Ishmael....of the flesh....putting others in to bondage...because bondage is all they know and recognize.

    Remember what it states in Galatians...chapter 4

    29 But as then he that was born after the flesh (Ishmael) persecuted him that was born after the Spirit ,(Isaac) even so it is now.
    This is not changed....after thousands of years. Ishamelites persecuting those after Isaac and his seed.

    Hope this helps to clarify why I am often want to use the term Ishmael and Ishmaelites so often in my posts.

    As preppers most of us do not want to be herded nor be tasked with carrying a high maintenance herd....on our breast/back so to speak.

    But this is exactly what an Ishmaelite would have us do with our time and seducing and redirecting our emotions ....herd us unto their bondage.

    Be Warned the Ishmaelites. For the best they have or will ever have is bondage and or involuntary servitude.

    Last edited by orangetom1999; 04-30-2018 at 03:38 PM.



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