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Thread: Novel Coronavirus 2020 megathread

  1. #81
    may be in trouble

    Join Date
    May 2015
    Mid-South TN
    Been keeping low here. WM is, by virtue of selling medicines, food, and guns, "essential" and therefore am still working. Nicely full of hours, as my supervisor has a low version of COPD and judged it'd be safer for her to take two weeks off. The procedures WM has put in play were done so incrementally.

    Kinfolk, the media has ramped up large amounts of panic on all this. Busy screaming about the logical hotspots and trying to spook folks into that the whole damn country is like NYC or LA or SF.

    I don't much like the money handout. OH, yes, necessary... but not with all the damned pork pelosi and schiff and the rest of the left stuck in it. I won't see a cent, as I have been working all through this. And will continue to do so. Living by my self, no social doings, no family...

    The low national body count speaks to me that the bug has been in country a lot longer than the official Chinese say-so. Down here in TN there is this annual thing here called "the crud". I'm willing to believe that a lot of people had the Wuhan bug and took it to be the crud and just soldiered on. (Vegas didn't have the crud... allergies all to hell from all the non-native plants, and living in a cross between a mixing bowl and a wind tunnel...mine was olive pollen)

    This has been a slow motion SHTF. Though I would prefer to beat the tar out of him as opposed to quote him, Rahm Emanuel was correct: Don't let a crisis go to waste. And this one is very good at letting people see how their preps worked or didn't work, and what sort of fixes need to be in place if any.

    A lot of folks got hunting and fishing licenses during this. Makes sense...exercise, sunshine, fresh air, by yourself.

    Oh, and by the way... URI's like Wuhan, as a general rule, tend to slow down the the GI tract, as do their meds. So all these ijits filling every closetspace with TP only have two advantages: TP doesn't have a shelf life, and as much as they bought, will likely not need any more for a long long time.

    Yr ob'nt and surly

  2. #82
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    Mr. K, you hit the nail on the head. Here in our county, it has been a slow motion SHTF event. It was all around us, but not here. We did report one case as BWRR stated. I haven’t found the details, but the store was open the next day. It looks like we will be starting to open our economy here, but we never really stopped it.
    "Teach the children quietly
    For someday sons and daughters
    Will rise up and fight while we stood still"

    I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.

  3. #83
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    As I understand it, said "infectee" was a Jack Daniel's employee and not from Moore County. Most folks are business as usual but the square is pretty much dead with Jack Daniel's tours being closed. They rely on the tourism. We try to go into town and eat at the local eating establishments to help support them and our tummies.

    We need to turn this country back on. Times are going to get tuff come end of summer.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  4. #84
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    Our “stimulus check” from The Prez came to us, direct deposit, at a great time. Our refrigerator went out, and would cost $1200 to repair. This was a 12 year old refrigerator, so off to Lowe’s we went. Pretty crowded for everyone staying home. And we tore down the porch, which was getting a bit old and worn out. So, we are putting up a new one, a covered porch this time. When I shopped for all the lumber, the store was very full, again for a stay at home order. So, Lowe’s got all of the “stimulus check”. I did my part
    by helping out their financial burden. So in closing, my hat is off to you Mr President, thank you for the refrigerator and porch.
    And from what I hear, Nancy just loves the ice cream she bought with her check.
    "Teach the children quietly
    For someday sons and daughters
    Will rise up and fight while we stood still"

    I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.

  5. #85
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Ohio surrounded by farm land


    We now have the following in Stark County.

    1- 28 dead
    2-251 cases
    96 currently hospitalized.

    I think most of them are from the cities where it's more crowded and nursing homes .

  6. #86
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    East Tennessee
    We've had a total of 46 cases, 3 dead. No new cases is last 2 weeks

  7. #87
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Feb 2012
    Mid Michigan
    good Deal Dome, Fridge AND a porch. AWESOME!! Just checking in. We're still doing good. Talked to Son2 today, he and family are still doing ok but I am worried, one of his staff had the virus and has come back to work supposedly cleared by his doctor. Of course this Mama is fretting but he said they are still good. He is taking precautions. Have gone through 4 crossword books so far. Finally found all the ingredients to make laundry soap, so I'm good. I was almost out. Was worried I'd have to get the Lava soap out to scrub the clothes clean, LOL. Still cold, rainy AND snowy here. Want to go out and play in the dirt. Son2 did say they had to call the police the other day at his store, some idiot woman(baby mama) tried to return 15-30 roll packages of TP and threw a hissy fit when she got told NO. Manager pointed to the sign states NO RETURNS on TP, Paper Towel, Hand sanitizer, etc. Son 2 said she just started screaming and yelling causing a ruckus. So they called the police to escort her and her TP out of the store. He said(partially joking) they have the police on speed dial. Other son is doing ok so far. DIL1 just found out last week she has a blood disorder, hemocrytosis ??(not sure of the spelling). Blood has too much Iron and red blood cells so now she has to go have a pint of blood drawn every 2 weeks to get that under control,got a text from them today, her back operation went well. she has outpatient surgery on her back, Doc burns the nerve ends to alleviate pain. works for 8-10 months and the time is getting longer and longer between treatments now. SON 1 has been off work for 3 months now and on unemployment but has not gotten any checks due to an error that the company he did a movie with screwed up and caused a delay in his payments. SO we're worried that they'll need some $ help but he told us he got a residual check from another movie that should tie them over for the next couple of months. He did get an email telling him the movie/TV show he was suppose to start before this all began looks like they will be starting up with "extreme" cautions and procedures this July if not in June, so hopefully he'll be back to work soon. He's not expecting a "stimulus" check, as he made too much to qualify last year, he thinks if anything it will only be the $500 for the baby. I did get a pleasant surprise last Friday, DH came in with the mail said I got a letter from the Settlement court on the the Takada suit. told him Well that's 50 cents we didn't have, opened the letter got almost $75 as a settlement. That went right into my checking account (aka my prepping account). Hope all are still well . stay safe.

  8. #88
    I have still yet to grow a brain
    Vodin's Avatar
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    May 2012
    Hello. Good to see all of you again.

    My wife and I own our own business and have for 22 years. We are running tight and lean. Just waiting to get back out there. Been waiting for the last 6 weeks and the race starts May 8th. Possibly...

  9. #89
    Senior Member

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    May 2014
    near Pasadena, Ca.
    Welcome back! I too had been quite scarce around here for some time. For some reason I have more time on the computer now that I am under "house arrest" for the last 6 weeks!

  10. #90
    I have still yet to grow a brain
    Vodin's Avatar
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    May 2012
    I dont know if it has been stated here or not. Earlier in life I laid down a bike. The result was/is a TBI. I dont have short term memory per se. 15 minutes is my limit out side of that it takes time for me to find the memories.

    Like Socalman I am locked in as well. This time provided me an opportunity to look into some links I have saved. Will be here more often to have an easier recall.

    Side note, what is the status of Grumpy Old Man?

    Again I am glad to have this opportunity to learn more.
    The tallest oak in the forest was once just a nut who held its ground.

    Be decisive. Right or Wrong, make a decision. The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who could not make a decision.



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