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Thread: The Walking Dead

  1. #1
    Has been known to look at Izzy's trunk. Stares at the junk in Izzy's trunk. Get it...he's checking out Izzy's trunk.

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    The Walking Dead

    The 2nd season starts this Sunday (10/16/11) on AMC for those who are interested. They are also showing the 1st season throughout the day if you missed it.
    “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” ~ G.K. Chesterton

  2. #2
    Stalkercat...destroyer of donkeys, rider of horse

    izzyscout21's Avatar
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    Thanks for the heads up. I missed the first seaon. I just set up a recording schedule for the DVR.
    WARNING: This post may contain material offensive to those who lack wit, humor, common sense and/or supporting factual or anecdotal evidence. All statements and assertions contained herein may be subject to but not limited to: irony, metaphor, allusion and dripping sarcasm.

  3. #3
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    Hubby and I are watching the first season right now via Netflix streaming. We just watched the 3rd episode last night. We like it pretty good, but I have a problem with them not being able to find food and gas and why in hell are they living in tents in the woods? They could get some trucks, vans or whatever and drive to more remote locations with fewer zombies and find find food warehouses, regular houses and guns and ammo galore! This shortage of supplies doesn't make sense to me since most people are zombies and all the supplies are everywhere! They could get some machine guns and and blow at least a thousand zombies away every day until they get rid of most of them. Am I missing something here? Is there a reason why they are living in tents in the woods just outside Atlanta which is full of zombies? There's gotta be tons of places to find guns, ammo and supplies to last them for years if they just go and get them. O.k. I'm a realist! It's just a pretend situation and zombies (like those kind) don't really exist lol! I shouldn't take it so seriously and just sit back and enjoy it. But I think like a survivalist and it's hard to turn that part of my brain off.

  4. #4
    Give him a home, where the buffalo roam, and they make "wood" for his cookin fires all day
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    First, more than likely in the initial outbreak of "Zombies" most of the food and supplies in and around the big cities was probably used up by what survivors were left. Most stores barely keep 3 days of food on there shelves.

    Second, these people are not "preppers" so therefore do not have that mentality. Therefore they prolly thought to head for the hills to pitch camp, but stay close enough to continue to scour the city for supplies, friends, relatives etc? Maybe.. But i agree that they should have hit the road.

    3rd if fuel was in an issue for them then run generators to keep an rv cool is apparantly not possible, i dont blame them. Tent would be cooler as they are in what appears to be in the Georgia Summer which is very hot and muggy.

    As you watch further episodes you will see what happens, and it aint all good by no means. I just hope they learn from there mistakes. It is an enjoyabole show, well done. But i KNOW for fact most of us this site, and others similiar, would do things differently.

  5. #5
    The source of all known trouble in the universe

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    I am not into zombies, but I saw the pilot last year, and I understand why someone into it may find it good.

  6. #6
    Give him a home, where the buffalo roam, and they make "wood" for his cookin fires all day
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    It is actually very dramatic, and well made.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dropy View Post
    First, more than likely in the initial outbreak of "Zombies" most of the food and supplies in and around the big cities was probably used up by what survivors were left. Most stores barely keep 3 days of food on there shelves.

    Second, these people are not "preppers" so therefore do not have that mentality. Therefore they prolly thought to head for the hills to pitch camp, but stay close enough to continue to scour the city for supplies, friends, relatives etc? Maybe.. But i agree that they should have hit the road.

    3rd if fuel was in an issue for them then run generators to keep an rv cool is apparantly not possible, i dont blame them. Tent would be cooler as they are in what appears to be in the Georgia Summer which is very hot and muggy.

    As you watch further episodes you will see what happens, and it aint all good by no means. I just hope they learn from there mistakes. It is an enjoyabole show, well done. But i KNOW for fact most of us this site, and others similiar, would do things differently.
    I guess that could be the case, but the show never said specifically that was what happened. This guy, for some unkown reason, was left in his hospital bed while all the zombie mayhem was going on. People had to have turned into zombies in a very short period of time because he lived long enough to wake up. The flowers by his bed were wilted, that means at least a week had passed, maybe 10 days. I don't think all of the food and supplies would have been wiped out everywhere. Maybe in the city the supplies would be low, so they shouldn't even consider going there to search for them. Plus, it's too dangerous with all the zombies everywhere. In real life, it would make a lot more sense to head out into vast, open country areas with little original population, scavaging along the way. I know I couldn't sleep in a tent knowing there were zombies walking around anywhere! And now they found one in the woods eating a dead deer. If they don't pack up and get far away then they are beyond stupid and deserve to get eaten by the zombies. Still, I'm attracted to watching it if nothing more than figuring out all of their mistakes!

  8. #8
    Give him a home, where the buffalo roam, and they make "wood" for his cookin fires all day
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    LOL Molly i agree, watching it purely for the fun of spotting the stupid stuff they sometimes do can be fun in and of itself.

    Basically the guy in the hospital bed is a cop. He was shot and put in coma. His best friend (who was banging his wife because he thought the guy died in the hospital) stayed at the hospital with him till the last minute. He barred the doors and wished his comatose friend best of luck. Well the guy woke up to zombie hoardes roaming the streets. He had NO CLUE what was going on.... so yeah, he was getting a VERY fast lesson the next couple episodes.

    But as you watch you will see how things unfold.


  9. #9
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    We watched the final 3 episodes last night. I really like the show but I get so fed up with all their in-fighting. They spend waaaaay too much time hollering amongst themselves about stupid stuff. And I gotta be honest here, I didn't get the least bit upset when their camp got hit by zombies because they were just asking for it to happen. They already knew zombies were in the woods but yet they stayed like total morons. So, "tough cookies" since they obviously have gas and didn't bother to leave until the head Dumba$$ wanted to find the CDC. There were so many things wrong with the whole scenario that I just started watching it to enjoy the various zombies.

    And what did they gain by going to the CDC? NOTHING! They even lost a member of their group. They got some hot showers and some food, but nearly browned themselves trying to get out at the end lol! And now they're basically back to where they started - outside with the zombies! Just too funny!
    Last edited by mollypup; 10-16-2011 at 04:32 PM.

  10. #10
    Give him a home, where the buffalo roam, and they make "wood" for his cookin fires all day
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    I agree here molly. To be honest though when ya throw so many people together so quickly who dont know eahc other who are ALL tossed into a do or die situation i imagine the stress is gonna be HIGH. Which would prolly lead to tensions, therefore stupid in fighting crap. There is a solid core of people in that group who could do well if they relax a little and start thinking of the group first, individuals second.

    I imagine they went to the C DC in hopes of finding HELP. Not necessarily a bad idea, but i think they shoulda done it a bit different. But there major problem is that the dude inside blew up the base and was unable to stop the countdown clock. Otherwise i think they could have stayed there a good while and got rid of some of there stress some.

    I look forward to tonights episode. We shall see if they have gotten any smarter yet.



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