As I have my set amount of gear (minus AK-47 30 round mag pouches, those are soon,) I am now in the seat of another matter: Camouflaging it all. I have a ragtag mix of OD, tan, coyote tan, woodland, desert, MARPAT, ACU, Multicam, Ranger green, and maybe a black item or 2. How do you guys do custom paint/dye/coloring on your gear? The gear is all Cordura or canvas. I was thinking something between A-TACS, woodland, and multicam TYPE camo. Something that will go good in the Spring and fall, and anywhere in between. My demographic is a very brown fall, and very green spring, with summer just as green. So, brown/green will be the main colors. Im of course going to keep the MARPAT, woodland, and multicam gear the color they already are.

What process, chemicals, techniques, and things do you use to do a custom camo job on your gear?

And, with the addition of guns to my inventory, what process, items, and techniques do you use to paint your firearm camo? I dont wanna have an all black shotgun! It's so new the friggin thing glares in the sun!

Same thing for Shiny new black AK-47 mags please.

Thank you all for your help. I hope to have all the stuff ready at the house to do it by the time I return.
