Do you have any skills from your carer/job that could come in handy in a SHTF event?

Obviously if you are doctor that's going to be helpful. Same with a fireman being caught in a fire. I'm hoping for some more creative entries.

For example:
I sell industrial products for a living. Unless my SHTF event involves the need for machine component design that's not going to be helpful for much.

On the other hand, being in sales means....

I meet lots of people. All potential contacts, allies, sources of assistance and information during a SHTF event

I do a lot of driving. This means I get to know the local roads, potential choke-points, out-of-the-way roads, etc Also means I know how my car performs in lot of different conditions.

Also means I get to visit lots of big and small towns across the fruited plains.

In my line of work you have to be able to elicit information from people without making them feel interrogated. I'm pretty decent at getting little bits of info out of people.

You also have to be able to guide a conversation. I'm pretty good at pushing the conversation the direction I want it to go. In the middle of a heated argument in a SHTF event this might help to diffuse the situation.

I'm pretty good at conversation in general. In a longer-term SHTF event the ability to be social may be an asset.

Thoughts? Any interesting skills your line of work adds to your prepping toolbox?