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Thread: about survival and what is really going on in the world.......

  1. #1
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    about survival and what is really going on in the world.......

    I posted this to another prepper and thought I would post it here for the consideration of the members....and their survival when taking in the news of today,

    I have known this history for over 30 years now.....and think once the members get even a clue of this history it will clear up a lot of why America goes out to fight other peoples wars for other peoples profits but brings home no new territories and or spoils.....

    Think long and hard on what I am going to post here with a view to the Ukraine and I think soon to be Guyana as in the Western Hemisphere...

    Also what is going on in Gaza as there is a known huge natural gas field off of Gaza....not sure many of the members have ever heard of this. members decide for yourselves of this history missing from most of your history books.

    Originally posted by Tugaloo
    Pushing gun control for the US Military is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Susan Collins is an ultimate RINO.

    Agree Tugaloo...we need to stop teaching our military how to use guns and explosives and sending them off to fight wars for someone else's profits...many of them not even American.

    Here is a bit of history taught to me by some Elders in the church about our World Wars.

    This special relationship we have with is a very very suspect thing to me..not the product advertised....

    I am not talking about the British people here but the Crown Merchants....ported out of Olde London...Bank of England.....Lloyds of London al.

    World Banking and Insurance of shipping...and anything else...on a world wide scale.

    This is what I think Putin is talking about in taking on/Nuking England/London...the one square mile area..of the Crown Merchants..Olde London.

    What was taught to me was that at one time most of the commerce in the orient was in British Crown Merchant Hands...including the Opium Trade...and it was ruining China. The Chinese went to war with the Crown Merchants to stop the Opium Trade....from ruining their nation.
    The British Crown destroyed the Chinese by the time of the Dowager Empress to force Opium on the Chinese and control the the Orient.....including Tea.

    The British never were a big land army.....Great on the Oceans but not a big land Germany and others.

    The British chose the Japanese to become a kind of policemen in the orient to protect Crown Merchant Investments/ the orient and thus the profits. it was mostly the British Crown who taught the Japanese to adapt western arms and strategies to act as local policemen for their investments.
    Also how to sail the Blue waters....and build ships suitable for this task.

    Ironically my 7.7 mm Arisaka rifle reloads with .303/.312 diameter bullets...
    I form my own brass cases from 30.06 cases.
    I was stunned to realize this when a friend sold me this rifle. Mine still has the Emperors seal on it.
    Nonetheless I was stunned to realize the bullet was a .303 British bullet.
    I always make my own ammo for this tool as it is difficult to find and expensive..

    The problem historically in dealing with the British that Japan realized soon enough that they were taking most of the Risks and the British Crown Merchants kept the Lions usual.

    Thus the Japanese took on a strategy/ideology no longer known in most of the history books of today called....."Asia for the Asiatics."

    What America did was secretly give up "Pan Americanism" and took on as policemen for the British Crown Merchants and the Bank of England/Lloyds of London....their Doctrine/Dogma of "Anglo Saxon Superiority and Rule of the World.." Total control of world trade and markets....

    Against this combined power came the Germans..WW1 and again in WW2....and also by WW2...the Japanese...even the Italians.

    But this is not how our history books read....this history has been totally re written.

    And I think these British Crown Merchants are today looking to collapse Russia and grab the huge resources in Russia as they did in Africa.

    The world appears to be divided into production/manufacturing areas and then resource areas.

    Nonetheless the Japanese decided to go it alone and against the Crown Merchants .....and their rigged set up.

    There are in the book "Empire of the City" by E. C. Knuth ...described therein 5 Ideologies of world power

    Anglo Saxon Superiority and rule of the World..

    Pan Americanism

    Pan Slavism

    Pan Germanism

    Asia for the Asiatics.

    Of all these only the first still exists and America secretly has given up Pan Americanism and joined the British Crown Merchants as a controlling world trade in particular as the policemen for their investments.

    I knew this was still happening in both Desert Wars of recent....that nothing would be changing.. why we go throughout the world and fight so many conflicts ....and bring home no new territories and spoils ...when we are supposed to be the victors.

    We are ;privily fighting other peoples wars.

    This is also why so little changes no matter what political party is in office...until Trump ...came in and threatened to upset this rigged apple cart by putting America first ..not the Crown Merchants/bankers who have privily dominated America and Americans since before WW1.
    This is why someone out there is desperately trying to stop Trump...he is a huge threat to this global rigged system.

    Trump is a huge threat to this rigged system.....HUGE putting America and Americans in first place...

    I have known this for over 30 years now......these are the Ishmaelites....running America....;privily and why so little changes...

    This what we is not a Republican Form of Government. It is not an American Representative Government..but an International Government....with international values taking over America and Americans.

    And to the Republic for which it stands..

    Most Americans have never heard of these Ideologies ...even Pan Americanism...but I have.

    What I am suspecting today is that China may want to continue the "Asia for the Asiatics" with China at the lead...instead of Japan.

    And I suspect that India is being groomed to take on China if China gets out of hand...the only nation big enough and with expendable cannon fodder out there to take on China and again protect British Crown the Orient..and the world.

    Again...are we supposed to think this far on our own without Experts telling us how to think or believe??? Without permission of our betters.???.

    Are we even supposed to know of this history????

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    - - - Updated - - -

    Be Very very Warned of these Ishmaelites and their Non Representative form of Government.

    Remember this history when we get the next "Casus Belli" plastered all over the news to evoke an emotional reaction out of us and put us on the next war treadmill.

    And they do not trust us to be armed...!!! Really ???

    What an insult.

    If you cannot be trusted to know real history .....or be armed.....physically ...mentally...or spiritually...what makes you think you can be trusted with your vote???

    Are we thinking yet????

    Da Tovarich????

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

  2. #2
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    OT Thanks bringing this up again. We discussed this topic before on a different forum. I actually bought that book "Empire of the City" I started it when I first got it, but never had a chance to finish it and it's now buried under others. I gotta dig it out and read it in full this time.
    I do agree we have been fighting other wars for many years, pretty much since the Civil War and in particular since 1913 when the Fed was given control of our money supply.

  3. #3
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    Yeah...Backpacker...I am in the same boat...

    I am reading "Death By Gun Control" and have problems in finding time to get through it.

    Lots to do and or repair round here of late....been procrastinating too long on getting these things done.

    Not an Ishmaelite.

  4. #4
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Yep I agree. Work has been nuts since 2020, worse than normal. To the point I am having to constantly prioritize projects at the house as to what is currently most important. Not really the way I want things to be, but until I can retire thats just the way its gonna be.

  5. #5
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    Yup...I managed to clean and repair some items on my gas stove..also cleaned and vacuumed behind and under it...while i have been off...and also cleared up a blocked drain in my downstairs bathroom.

    I have fabricated a small air blowdown connection to do this....and disassemble the U Trap...then hook up this blow down connection to the wall...and shoot a small burst of air from my compressor to clear the clog. Also found a tooth paste cap in the U Trap...which did not help. Nonetheless it is cleared up now...and good to go for awhile.

    I reckon it would have cost quite a bit to have a plumber do this for me. Glad I taught myself to do some of these things.

    Working on ships..and their piping taught me a lot about pressures...drains...low pressure returns....vents et this came naturally up to a point. Even in fabricating this adapter to do the blow down...of the clog. I hate plunging one can make a mess.

    Not an Ishmaelite.



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