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Thread: US Doctors Are Hearing Zebra Hoofs

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Illini Warrior's Avatar
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    US Doctors Are Hearing Zebra Hoofs

    "When you hear hoof beats, think horses, not zebras."

    "That was one of the gems that Dr. Steve shared in his off-grid medicine course. It's something taught to all students in medical school. And what is means is this: Common things happen commonly. The child in the waiting room is more likely to have an ear infection than appendicitis. The young adult is more likely to have type-2 diabetes than a gunshot.

    Which brings us back to the problem with zebras. For a very long time the US, figuratively, has been a nation of horses treated by horse doctors, horse doctors that have been trained to treat only horses. Not zebras. Even though zebras bear some physical resemblance, there are significant differences. Because the zebras carry some vastly different diseases. And those diseases have symptoms and presentations that are quite similar to those for horses, but the treatments may be totally different. The horse doctors might have read about these zebra diseases, but they have never seen them.

    Unfortunately, many of those hoof beats in the distance are in fact coming from zebras. Most physicians in US have never seen the actual zebras making a comeback and crossing our borders."
    Last edited by Illini Warrior; 07-04-2021 at 10:10 PM.
    Illini Warrior

  2. #2
    Claims to have NEVER worn pink. Likely story.

    Twitchy's Avatar
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    Link is broken.

    This is true though, and always has been. The underlying statement of treat the obvious don't go looking for zebras is intended to prevent providers from missing the obvious. Treat what it is likely to be unless there is profound evidence pointing otherwise.
    It is, of course, obvious that speed, or height of fall, is not in itself injurious ... but a high rate of change of velocity, such as occurs after a 10 story fall onto concrete, is another matter.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twitchy View Post
    Link is broken.

    This is true though, and always has been. The underlying statement of treat the obvious don't go looking for zebras is intended to prevent providers from missing the obvious. Treat what it is likely to be unless there is profound evidence pointing otherwise.

    FIXED >>>>>
    Illini Warrior

  4. #4
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    Being one of those physicians (hell, Dr Jill is a 'doctor') i disagree. ANPs are good at treating hoofbeats. PAs are between hoof beats and zebras. Physicians are always worried about zebras, because failure to diagnose is a very easy malpractice to claim and hard to disprove. This is what costs $$$$$$$$ in medical care.



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