View Full Version : Prayer request and introduction

10-07-2012, 08:51 AM
Hey everyone my name is Tommy and I am a 22 year old Disabled Firefighter/EMT from Gainesville Florida. I live on my 11 acre
Farm I built from the ground up before i was hurt and I am also married and we have a 3 year old son.

I was shattered two lumbar discs firefighting last year and I am signing my VR paperwork this tuesday and then a week or two from now I will be having a double vertebrae fusion and bone graph to correct my L4-L5 and L5-S1 discs which are completely shattered.

I will definitely be posting when I am having the surgery and could use the prayers. Also if anyone is around the Gainesville Florida area I will be at North Florida Hospital if anyone wants to come over and visit! I will be posting the room # when I know it. There isn't much to do but if anyone wants to swing by anytime and talk about survival tactics or just kick back and watch some movies I will be bringing my Wii to pass time for the three or four days I will be in the hospital.

I will not be able to go back to firefighting since after the surgery I am being told no lifting over 40lbs so I am looking into going to liberty college for my bachelors degree in criminal forensics, which I will be doing after my 6 months of physical therapy and obtain some form of a job.

As for my survival situation it is both good and bad at the same time. I am reluctant to bring it up because after constant arguments from the zombie survival forum it just seems to bring up conflict. My neighbors own a wildlife sanctuary at their home and they do meet regulations but I do not feel safe from the lions, tigers, panthers, cheetah's, cougars, etc... She has many many different exotic dangerous cats in cages made out of 4x4 posts and hog fence.

Normally this wouldn't be a problem with me if they worked with the animals... But they don't seem to be doing so, and after going on tours I see how they are taunting the big cats. Even if they are being defensive and hissing and showing their teeth I saw the owner just get even closer to the cage and make kissy faces and to her it's just a game.

Now I'm no scientist but if a big cat is being defensive and you just keep getting closer to the cage as it gets louder and more aggressive is like thumping the glass of a fish tank. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

If everyone here is open and friendly I will post a thread on the situation but if not I will avoid doing so because it has created a lot of conflict on another forum because they think it is just a joke.

I hope to have some good ideas to contribute and I am always open to learning.

Thanks everyone,
T Starr

10-07-2012, 10:15 AM
Holy shit its Tommy! PM Inbound man!

- - - Updated - - -

Tommy, yes everyone is friendly here. But for the rest of u folks I went to school with him and his mom was my teacher. What are the chances, eh?!

10-07-2012, 10:57 AM
Haha man it's a small world after all!

I've been hunting for a good survival forum and with you being on here I am sure this one is the best!

So do you want to help me plan to defend from some dangerous game? Lol I know it's wayy out of the ordinary but I'm just trying to get marginally prepared incase of an escape.

I've been looking at a glock 20 in 10mm so I can carry a little more whollop than the old 5906 9mm. Just something to make Simba think twice.

10-07-2012, 01:57 PM
Welcome to the site.Sage burnt prayers sent.

Taz Baby
10-07-2012, 02:08 PM
Sage and sweetgrass burnt and prayers sent to you and your family. Tell the wife that we have a great ladies form on here and have her join too. Is she aboard with you about the prepping, hope so cause it is hard when someone in the family is not.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-07-2012, 02:14 PM
Buddy, there is nothing wrong with your 9mm, I don't care what anyone says.........you'll hear differences all day long. There is a round (proven effective) called the "Extreme Shock" check it out, you won't be disappointed. It'll put that kitty down no problem, If you want to spent money on a bigger more powerful handgun, then stick with the common caliber .45 (but you don't have to)from there pick your pistol, I'm not going to tell you which one because everyone has their tastes/preference/experience. Mine is from combat, I was issued a MK-23 SOCOM when I was in the Navy (hand cannon) big smooth expensive accurate, suppressed, etc. No I wouldn't recommend it. I own a 1911A govt. a USP 45 tactical. The Sig Sauer C-3 is also high on my list but 2 is enough for me. I was also issued the Barretta M-9 also very accurate, many parts does not like water, rusts, too many parts, but I own a string of nines all of German quality (not Austrian). I'm brainwashed what can I say, I'm also a pedigree Kraut! Reliable and accurate less parts and battle coated so less corrosion. That's my input so now you don't have to ask. I make my own ammo, thar be the other answer. Shoot the damn cats if you see them out I don't care what the story is you have a 3 year old son! That's all there is to say PERIOD!

RIFLES? Large caliber .30 preferred, pick one, there are many. No bb guns like AR's you'll want to kill it, put it down, don't screw with this animal when it comes to your family! No offense but it's not like you'll be able to run out there and do something like jump in front of the cat before it gets to your wife or daughter, sorry man.

OK off my soap box, had to get that out of the way hell of an intro eh? HEY GOOD LUCK ON YOUR SLICE AND DICE, remember, mind over matter, If you don't think about it, It won't hurt, "Pain is just you body's way of letting you know you're still alive", I'm alive everyday brother........................Thank you for what you do! So others may live!

WELCOME ABOARD! You're going to learn allot here and meet many friends, My wife and I lived in FL long before you were born, got there in 66, left in 85 to join the Navy. My brother just retired about 2 years ago he was the Chief out at the Sand Lake fire house In Orlando, moved out to Reno. Real sorry to hear about your accident. Stay strong brother Hope to keep talkin to you, I'll be here, My best to the family, and once again, WELCOME ABOARD!

Sorry about the intro, just seemed important.

10-07-2012, 02:57 PM
Welcome aboard and I pray that your surgery goes well. I've been dealing with herniated discs (L4-L5 and L5-S1) for ten years now. I also pray and I can't stress this enough... Be very careful when managing your pain levels with meds. Believe me!!! I had a full on oxy then morphine addiction within two years of my injury that almost did me in. My back didn't start to feel better until after I fought the battle of getting off ALL pain meds other than anti-inflammatories. I've been clean for seven years now and for the most part my back is holding up other than a flair up ever so ofter when I overload it your slack on stretching but within a matter of days if I baby it I'm back on duty. Words of encouragement... I'm 51 years old and I'm in the home remolding business and do 95% of the work myself so having a disc problem can be dealt with.

Sry to start out this way but I feel compelled share what I went threw in hopes to touch others so they won't go threw the sheer hell that I did. Nuf said so pull up a chair and settle in to our little colony. :)

Edited to say.... lol BR and I posted at the same time and it looks like we share some of the same concerns. :)

10-07-2012, 03:27 PM
Good morning Tommy, and welcome to the site. We will say prayers for you on your upcoming surgery and pray for a quick recovery. Liberty University is a great school BTW.

I know how you must feel on the wild animals at your neighbors. Our daughter, her husband, and their little boys (1 and 5 years old-our grandsons) moved in a nice neighborhood in northwest Florida and who would've guessed it, the neighbor across the street had two cheetahs as pets and would walk them around the yard on leashes. Our daughter could not even feel safe to be in her own front yard with the kids. So she finally moved.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-07-2012, 03:52 PM
The ants go marching one by one HOO-YAH! HOO-YAH! We all all have our stories, we all have experience, we all have our pains. But we all have support! PM anyone any, any time if you want to keep it off the forum. There's battle wounds and "aww shit's" out there. We all delt with it and we've all overcome.

The ants go marching two by two HOO-YAH! HOO-YAH!

Peace, Love and No Underwear!

Taz Baby
10-07-2012, 05:37 PM
We are a family that cares.

10-07-2012, 07:48 PM
Welcome in! A friend and I have had similar discussions on a cat sanctuary near his home, so I consider it a valid and worthwhile discussion. Nobody here will mess with you on it, and if someone was dumb enough too it wouldn't be long before the asshole mod on here (we do have one I hear) set 'em straight. ;) Chances are good you'll get support and recipes from here though.

Good luck on the surgery, I know back pain is no joke, even when it isn't severe enough to warrant such a procedure.

I'll stay off the opiate soap box, Evolver said it better than I can.

Again, welcome, we're glad to have you.

10-07-2012, 09:20 PM
Thanks everyone for the prayers and the open arms! First off don't worry about the narcotics, I have had a full bottle of prescription Hydromorphone for the past two months and it will remain full until I really need it which I'm thinking post surgery for maybe a week and then back into the cabinet.

As for the cat situation... Well I am just not up to SHTF code on that one.

Survival wise overall I am good though! Guns, ammo, Hand crank well, generator, deep drop well, greenhouse, 11 acres to farm, stored food, the works!

Even now I am working on building a rocket stove which when I finish I am sure all of you will be making one! Basically a low wood high output super efficient stove that's 13" or so tall. Just a nice little camping/survival way to cook!

Thanks again guys!

Grumpy Old Man
10-07-2012, 09:33 PM
Prayers sent.

I think Sniper may have some recipes for those cats;)

I had a similar surgery 19 years ago and it worked well for me. I hope yours goes well also; surgical techniques have gotten much better in the intervening years. So, be of good cheer Buddy!

Taz Baby
10-07-2012, 11:15 PM
Don't think you will get any complaints about the big cats here, We are all animal lovers here. We love to hunt them, watch them, eat them, ( well I do anyway). ( When I was outside the U.S.A and it was legal.)

10-07-2012, 11:33 PM
Thanks everyone for the prayers and the open arms! First off don't worry about the narcotics, I have had a full bottle of prescription Hydromorphone for the past two months and it will remain full until I really need it.

:cool: Good to hear.

10-08-2012, 12:00 AM
Buddy, glad you decided to join us. Sorry to hear about your back. I've had two herniated diskd since back in the late 80's i have a little idea of the pain you are dealing with. It sucks. Prayers are going up for a successful surgery and full recovery.
I think you will enjoy this site. There are some good people on here and are willing to help.

10-08-2012, 05:05 AM

Hope your surgery goes well! It sounds like you have a lot of really neat projects and idea's, I can't wait to hear and see. Also, I second that it would be awesome to have your wife on board, us ladies are severely outnumbered here, lol.

Best of luck with your schooling, your family, and your neighbors cats. I hear with a little ketchup they'd taste like chicken ;)

10-08-2012, 06:01 AM
Good to have you here, make sure you stay with your PT and after that massage therapy will do wonders if it acts up. Great choice on the new career. Ya know, when one door closes another always opens. There is a reason you weren't allowed to follow the path you were on.
Of course everyone is talking smack about shooting the cats and eating them.....I'm the only cat lover here. There is a whole thread on eating them, shooting them, hanging them...you get the hint. Just ask Sniper - he's the pro here!

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-08-2012, 01:39 PM
Even now I am working on building a rocket stove which when I finish I am sure all of you will be making one! Basically a low wood high output super efficient stove that's 13" or so tall. Just a nice little camping/survival way to cook!

Thanks again guys![/QUOTE]

I will love to see this project when you are healed and in process of construction and of course trial and error ........hopefully no error. But we all love a good BACON fire! Speedy recovery Brother! Work hard at it, mind over matter, If you don't mind, it don't matter. We are all survivors here.

Taz Baby
10-08-2012, 02:23 PM
I only eat the wild big cats, not the house cats, I use them for my mousers. :p and to keep my dog in line.

10-08-2012, 05:20 PM
Well guys I am here to stay!

The ZS is probably going to ban me because they cannot understand the difference between arson and using a flare gun in self defense as a deterrent. There's a big difference of playing with matches with intent and using fire as a deterrent to save your life, a forest fire from it is completely unintentional and as long as its on your land and you've got proof it's legal and nothing will come out of it.

Which from my training I know that if you use a flare gun as a deterrent in self defense regardless of if it starts a fire and burns down a building as long as you have proof which a big cat roaming around is more than enough there is nothing illegal about it. The only way I see it as a problem is if the fire manages to get onto my neighbors property and therefore it would be civil court for damages.

But hey what do I know? I got all of my certifications and licenses to become the tooth fairy!

Eh I'm done with those idiots, y'all are much more down to earth and realistic over here!

10-10-2012, 12:27 AM
Well when you think things could be any worse my grandfather is in the hospital with a torn intestine and bladder and might not survive the surgery and he is being heavily sedated until this Friday when they will attempt to do the surgery.

So I'm stuck in Florida because if I am not here this Friday or Monday to sign the final papers for VR then I lose it and I will be set 6 months back and risk having another disc herniation.

Really confused now because my grandfather taught me almost everything I know and he has been there for me but I'm not even sure if I won't be paralyzed after the 500 mile drive pinching my sciatic nerve and of course I can't afford the $500+ one way to fly.

Man this sucks big time.

10-10-2012, 12:39 AM
Hope that you can work it all out.

Taz Baby
10-10-2012, 12:50 AM
Sorry to hear about your Grand father and will burn sage and sweet grass and send prayers his way. I am sure he will understand that you can not make it to see him and you can always talk to the family on the phone. Tell them to let him know you love him and would be there if you could. Even if he is heavily sedated he knows in his heart you love him. Don't take the chance on your health, you have a wife and son that needs you to be strong. You can only do the best that you can do and those who know you, know that you are a good person and would be with him if you could. Keep the faith and all will be right.

10-10-2012, 01:05 AM
I have to second what Taz said. You will do him no good by further hurting yourself making the drive. I'm sure he would understand about you having to get set up for your own surgery.

You both will remain in our prayers.

10-10-2012, 01:12 AM
^^^ Agreed, if your Grandfather is anything like mine, he would be disappointed that I put the papers (and hence, your ability to provide for your family) on hold to go to him. I would expect a "Gibbs slap" and a scolding of "didn't I teach you anything? You have to take care of yourself so you can take care of your family!". Maybe that's not your Grandfather, my family is a little rough around the edges, lol. Grandpa...that man could crack ribs with his bear hugs.

I will pray for you, him, and the doctors.

10-10-2012, 02:08 AM
I will be spending the next few hours in prayer and reflection to make the right decision. Thank you everyone for the prayers, lord knows I need them.

I know my grandfather is tough but just a week ago he told me he is tired and can't fight anymore. I am gonna miss my grandfather the WWII combat medic who lost his small intestine during the war and saved hundreds of lives, he also earned two bronze stars and is a cancer survivor. I would give anything to be half as tough as him.

I'm just being honest with myself and I know what is coming. I just never thought I couldn't say goodbye.

Thanks again everyone it means so much to me.

Taz Baby
10-10-2012, 02:50 AM
If he goes before your surgery,( not wishing it) then you know your surgery will go just fine. There is no better guardian angel you can ask for than a man like him watching over you in your time of need. He will be guiding the doctors hands along with all your ant families prayers. What can go wrong? Also have you ever tried to kill an old tough bird?, they are very hard to kill. He just might surprise you and stick around a little longer.

10-10-2012, 03:58 AM
Prayers are being sent up for you and Grandpa.

10-10-2012, 11:12 AM
Stay strong dude! For yourself, your family and your gramps.

10-10-2012, 11:35 AM
Thanks everyone, I've decided since because I cannot handle such a long drive or the roughness up and down of a plane I will be hanging back at home on this one. I called my mother and her and my dad are on their way up. They had to take a few days off work but someone needs to be up there.

Honest guess 7% chance he will pull through just based on severity and symptoms. But I know now he is in a morphine induced "coma" so he is in no pain at all but internal bleeding and seepage with a huge drop in BP which everyone says is good but its not at all... He is hypovolemic, septic, high pulse, and internal seepage...It's over and I have come to terms with that.

He knows I am honored to be his grandson and continue the same values he instilled onto me will be given to my son in due time.

Hands down the worst thing is everyone is in denial and cannot accept it. It will heal in due time.

10-10-2012, 03:45 PM
Well everyone I hate to be right but he has 3 hours tops, I talked to him on the phone and he said that all of the family that is with him in that room doesn't amount to just my one phone call and that he can go in peace and that he will watch over me.

I am not going to lie, I am his favorite. The only reason is because I actually listened and wanted to learn from him. Thank you everyone for the prayers and it means so much you guys! I will update y'all when I hear back from the hospital when he has passed.

Taz Baby
10-10-2012, 03:49 PM
So glad that you got to talk to him before he pasted. See miracles do happen. And you have a great man watching over you and your family now, what a blessing.

10-10-2012, 04:07 PM
I'm looking into a plane flight as soon as I sign the VR paperwork. I am going to miss him.

In a few days I will upload and post the Tv show 60 minutes "honor air" where my grandfather talked on national television about the war, and they took him and many others and flew them to go see the memorial at D.C.

He wouldn't tell them what he had done in WWII but him and I had a good conversation about it quite often.

10-10-2012, 05:49 PM
Here is the video I was talking about
He is on at 3:10

10-10-2012, 10:10 PM
Buddy, I am glad you were able to have that conversation with your grandfather, as well as the time to prepare yourself.

Both of my grandfather's passed very quickly, and I was unable to speak with either. One murdered on Christmas Eve, the other succumbed to cancer while I was stationed in Korea. I ETS'ed 3 months early on terminal leave just so I could get home to be with him and my family, and I missed his funeral by two days.

I have some idea of how you must feel at being so far from him, and my heart and prayers are out for you on this.

10-11-2012, 05:28 AM
Well I have prayed and prayed and his vitals are stabilizing out and there is a chance even if it is a small chance but he might just pull through this! They are working on getting his BP back up and getting him ready for surgery.

He is holding on because he knows he means the world to me. They tried to get him to sign a DNR and he refused and said that he is not ready to leave his grandson until he tells me some things. I don't know what he wants to tell me but I found a flight for $400 round trip and I will be booking it as soon as my wife wakes up and knows I am leaving. He wants me up there so I am coming.

He really is a fighter, he isn't ready to leave me. After all of this if he pulls through I will be convincing him to move down to my house in Florida so I can take care of him because its too hard on us to be 500+ miles away and I am the only one in the family that is close to him relationship wise and has the medical knowledge to make the right decisions. I have already saved my grandmothers life and I know I can save his.

10-11-2012, 05:51 AM
God be with you both. I hope he will be able to tell you everything...take a tape recorder with you. You will be very emotional and may not remember everything he tells you, also if he decides that he can go once he has told you, you will have his voice to listen to in the future. I was my grandmother's favorite and I missed her passing by 10 mins. I knew I should have gone earlier (she was in the hospital and I visited her every day at least once) but I put it off to do laundry...I heard her call my name and I knew as I sped to the hospital crying and screaming all the way. My heartfelt prayer is that you get to him in time for him to talk to you.

10-12-2012, 11:38 AM
They have to do surgery today and then in three days we will know if he is going to make it.

Time for a man to man motivational speech and get him to fight.

10-29-2012, 09:05 PM
Hey guys just an update! I am getting the spinal fusion next week on Thursday!!!!

I also got an approach by zombie brownells to be in their next video/commercial thing! If I can swing it I am going to see if they could get me a Howe and Howe tech wheelchair to use for the video. But in all seriousness I am going to be a commercial star! LOL great day guys Great day!

10-30-2012, 12:51 AM
^Awesome Buddy.

11-08-2012, 10:01 PM
I'm in allot of pain but I'm Alive

11-08-2012, 11:27 PM
Glad you got thru in good shape Buddy. We're prayin for you.

11-09-2012, 06:22 AM
Can't sleep

Titanium and carbon fiber cage
Pedicle screws
Titanium rods
Bone graph

Much more but I am alive and kicking

Now to convince my wife I deserve a PS3 to give me something to do but we can't afford the $300

11-11-2012, 12:41 AM
Hey guys I was released at 1230 and I am back home now!!!!

Now just to hobble around the house for the next month and then I can really get into serious PT

11-11-2012, 01:06 AM
So, now you are bionic? ;)

11-11-2012, 01:55 AM
So, now you are bionic? ;)

I was swollen like a stuffed pig when I took that photo it was just shortly after the operation. I have Thrush from the pain meds, Dry eyes, Dry nose, and allot of ear pressure to go along with the pain of the back surgery.

I'm not bionic but as soon as they took the catheter out, I got on my feet and started walking. That's the only reason I was let out today is because I started walking early and focused all of my time on getting mobile again.

It sucks and is extremely painful but I need to keep to a strict PT and work on healing.

Hey mods is it ok if I post the Incision site or is that too much gore?

11-11-2012, 05:42 PM
Last night was pretty rough but its just because I am walking so much but today I can walk without a walker and I can go further than yesterday!!!!

11-13-2012, 01:42 AM
Awesome Keep up the good work.

11-13-2012, 05:08 AM
I'm trying to stay positive but when I tell the doctor how they neglected me at the hospital he is going to flip his lid and really go all out on them for their actions.

I'm keeping a positive attitude though and thanks everyone for the prayers!!!!!!

11-16-2012, 01:41 AM
Good day guys really good day!!!! Had a great Dr appt.! They are going to take care of my neglect case, they said I am doing Incredibly well and they gave me my bone growth stimulation machine which I have to use twice a day 2 hours each dose.

The bone growth stimulator is a low pulse electric magnetic pulse machine that creates an electrical field in my body that makes the titanium cage around the bone graph stimulate growth. Very cool and I am going to use It religiously!

My wife and my parents are trying to get enough money together to get me a PS3 so I have something to do while I heal which if they can it will be really awesome!!! If not I am in no way going to be upset with them. They are going for Black Friday where the PS3 is going to be at $200 if y'all didn't know they are gonna be cheap!!!

I did have a bad side where I was asked if I had any flowers from this being such a huge surgery but no not even from my church or any of the people that I have put before myself even in my suffering have done one single thing to help me or even attempt to see me at all. But screw them my wife, my son, and my parents were there and they are the ones who count!

Thank you everyone for all of the good wishes and information it means so much to me and I am glad I have found such an amazing forum with such great people!!!!

I'm gonna keep on moving and motivating myself to get healed up and well!

11-16-2012, 12:12 PM
Glad to hear the good report Buddy. We've been keeping you all in our prayers.

11-17-2012, 08:34 AM
I have been ordering things to help me and I have came to terms that I will never be the same and because of the severity of my injury and how long it was bone on bone I can't lift anything over 40 pounds for life and because its my neurosurgeons order I will follow it to the letter. Even now next week I am coming off my heavy narcotics and slowing them down to get me off of the dependence!

I just recently got a collapsable Cane and that is really really useful and I am working on getting a Velcro system to strap it to my back brace so I have immediate access!

I ordered a grabber from a professional company called "Grapplers INC" and I called them 5 minutes after ordering offline to see if they were shipping UPS or USPS and it was $31 for the grappler with shipping and taxes included! It ended up being USPS and since I can't have a box USPS sent to my house because they won't put it over the fence so I immediately told the woman my PO box address and she rushed to void that label and send it to my PO box and she stopped the mailman to wait to get it out 5 minutes after I had ordered it! She was such a great help to me and listened to my situation and how I cannot bend my body AT ALL for the next month that and I am alone this week so if I dropped anything I couldn't get it and I can't even bend down to pull up my pants. That I do have a REAL serious need for their product.

What I didn't know is she changed the shipping for me for free and it was at my PO box yesterday. I ordered it on the 13th and I picked it up today but my postmaster told me it was here yesterday morning. I could not believe it, they were shipping that grabber from Nevada to me in North Central Florida! They had to have 2 day expedited flighted shipped that grappler to me and that was such an amazing thing for her and that company to do for me. They had to lose money on that deal but here is a picture of the grabber! It is a 40" all aluminum construction and it weighs .8lbs which Is well under my 2lbs max lifting limit for this month.

I have never had a donation because of me being a disabled firefighter and i broke down in tears knowing that they have given me that grappler and it meant so much to me to know that there are truly still companies that care about people and are willing to have a financial loss to help them. That was a godsend and turned my whole day around!

This thing is BIG!
Size comparison a Full sized Harley wallet!
The handle is comfortable and the gripping power is 1:1 so you can break things if you wanted to! This isn't your Walmart China made EL-Cheapo this is a MADE IN USA Beast! (I almost ripped my wife's toe off the first time I tried it)

The point is the company saw how bad I needed their product and they basically gave me the grabber and used my payment to cover the shipping costs! I still had to pay $31 which covered the shipping or at least part of it but it was well worth it and well spent because now I can put my pants on and pick up things on my own with out having my wife holding me hand and foot.

When I am done with this grabber I am going to put it to even more good use and it is going to allow me to still do gardening in my greenhouse, clean up the ditches on the road, and even help people in Walmart when they can't reach an item [No I am not an employee I am unemployed and still searching but I love helping people and since I am 6'2" I get asked all the time (hey can you grab that for me please])?! But I will definitely get changeable tip covers so its sanitary so don't worry about that!

I am making a good recovery and a turnaround and SHTF Ready, Rimfire Central, and GCFC, is a big factor in this because of all of you have given me support! One day when I am capable I want to meet y'all and give you a hug for the prayers, they mean so much to me!

Guys if you are on rimfire central you will see this is a repost I am posting this on all the forums that have helped me because its hard for me to keep writing these and I want to share it and I feel like allot of you are interested in me and it means allot!

I am going to make another thread on the grabber and do a review on it and its currently stock but just wait I am going to SHTF Ready customize it with interchangeable tips from soft, gritty, to even spikes for picking up cans!

11-26-2012, 01:50 AM
Well guys tomorrow is my first day without my wife to help me out of bed and get me going. She has to go back to work so I'm on my own. Gonna do my best and I see it one of two ways. Either I get up and make it to my meds and then I will be alright or I lay in bed and watch Netflix because I can't get up.

Either way I'm gonna do my best to get up and get to where I can be out of pain. There's still allot of fight in this dog! I'll army crawl and use my grabber if I have to. But no worries guys the cellphone is pretty close by and I can make it to there fairly easily with the grabber tool.

11-26-2012, 02:53 AM
dude, how did i miss this thread? i can sympathize with what your going thru, to a point. mine is my heart, but the other things are the same. you know all you have to do is holler and there are a number of us that would help.

11-26-2012, 09:22 AM
We're still prayin for you Buddy.

11-26-2012, 03:49 PM
dude, how did i miss this thread? i can sympathize with what your going thru, to a point. mine is my heart, but the other things are the same. you know all you have to do is holler and there are a number of us that would help.

Thank you, it's a real struggle that not allot of people can understand but I'm still fighting, that's why I love this forum, y'all are good and honest people!, and that's something that is hard to come by these days. I hope and pray everything is going good with your heart man!

We're still prayin for you Buddy.

Thanks again guys! I made it up and got going on my own for the first time! It feel's good morally to pass that bridge but physically man that sucked!

Strapped into the bone growth stimulator and 40 minutes to go! Then I'm gonna go and cook me some breakfast since I slept in till 10:30am, I haven't slept past 5-6 hours in the last 14 months and this is my first 8-9 hour sleep and man it feels good! I would post my incision site photos on recovery but just not to gross someone out it went from being huge to its almost gone, I'm a quick healer when it comes to cuts and its looking good!

Thanks again guys it really does mean allot to me and keeps me going!

11-27-2012, 06:19 AM
Well day one alone was good

Lets see what day two has to offer, I'm gonna try taking my power chair to the woods and see if there are any deer tracks, if I get stuck which is highly possible I will hobble back home if I can't get it unstuck.

I wish they made an off road powered wheelchair that wasn't so expensive but gotta use what I've got!

11-28-2012, 12:57 AM
Well day one alone was good

Lets see what day two has to offer, I'm gonna try taking my power chair to the woods and see if there are any deer tracks, if I get stuck which is highly possible I will hobble back home if I can't get it unstuck.

I wish they made an off road powered wheelchair that wasn't so expensive but gotta use what I've got!
Just be careful and don't over do it. It would suck it you got stuck without anyone around to help out.

11-28-2012, 01:16 AM
Just be careful and don't over do it. It would suck it you got stuck without anyone around to help out.

I'm trying to do as much as possible while still playing it safe. You definitely hit the nail on the head with the getting stuck part!

Day two was good, hard getting up and got my powerchair stuck trying to go to the back of my property for a little Off Road excursion just to make my day a little bit better. It's about ~400 yards from my house so if I got stuck I could hobble and take short rests leaning on trees to make it home if I had to. Carried my cellphone, iPod, Kimber pepper spray pistol, collapsable Caine, and a flashlight.

Hit sugar sand and dug right down so first I tried to walk it backwards straight and it kept digging and then I got off and tightened up my brace and with one hand on the joystick carefully rocked it back and forth using the chair's power and kicking dirt into the hole and then I had to walk with it on high power and rock it side to side until I made it to hard ground. About a 20 foot struggle but I managed after a few minutes.


Was not a fun trip, wish I could get one of those tank tracked chairs but they are ridiculous priced out of my range. I mean $19,000+ for a disabled person just so they can go into the woods, are you frigging kidding me.

I have an ATV (2000 Polaris Trail Boss 325) but I can't get on it because I can't twist my body because of the fusions so that's pretty much a wife and son thing now. Lawn mower deck sits too low and the tires aren't aggressive enough. I've gotta think of something that will work to get me into the woods where there is peace and it just feels right.

Other than that I'm alright, just keeping on moving backing off the meds every day and pushing harder to better myself! Day Two is almost over and lets see what day Three home alone has to offer!

11-28-2012, 01:10 PM
just be safe, i reckon. i know how it is, i wouldn't listen, either. i needed to do it for myself.

11-28-2012, 05:15 PM
just be safe, i reckon. i know how it is, i wouldn't listen, either. i needed to do it for myself.

Yeah I just had to crawl into that ant pile when you told me no

I am alive, a little beaten up, but alive.

11-29-2012, 03:07 AM
i guess better an Ant Pile than running into a Rattlesnake or 3.

11-29-2012, 05:32 AM
i guess better an Ant Pile than running into a Rattlesnake or 3.

Man you just keep hitting the nail on the head. A few months ago I was walking out the trash in pure darkness when I felt something wrap around my leg and...


I called my wife and she was taking a test online for college and I had to wait 10 minutes for her to bring a knife and do the deed since I wasn't able to bend over to Confirm ID the snake and I was standing on its head and I can't run and I am not willing to put my wife in danger to have her try and get the head and also Crocs Do not kill snakes with pressure and twisting, it just pisses them off and don't you dare make fun of my Camo Crocs... that there is fightin words

You can even ask gunner max to check my Facebook to validate.

A week ago I was riding on my Powerchair and got chased down by a very Long Very aggressive snake and ended up parking my right tire on its body and while it snapped at my feet my KA-BAR did that one. There wasn't time for the wife with that one.

I have never seen a bunch of snakes at my house but both of my neighbors decided to cut down ALL of their front woods at the same time and its been giving me problems since.

11-29-2012, 02:49 PM
snakes are good. i don't kill much any more, unless i just have no other choice or for eating. it's cool dude, i had a GF that wore these ghey looking garnet/gold Crocs, while comfortable for on the boat, just not for me. they left funny looking burn marks from the sun. LOL (and before we start with the FSU comments, it wasn't a dig about anyone here, it's more about her obsession with the colors. bed sheet, pillow cases, couch pillows and a WALL, yes a whole wall in G/G. personally i could care for sports,nascar,ect.)

anywho, yeah, cutting down their home tends to make them seek other places to live. just a thought, might want to get a .22 w/ratshot to carry around. OH and a flashlight. LOL

just so you know, your not hard to find on FB... LOL

12-01-2012, 12:21 AM
Lol you trolling my FB?

12-01-2012, 05:45 AM
not really trolling. just like to put a face to the person. cool firetruck pics... LOL

12-01-2012, 06:47 AM
not really trolling. just like to put a face to the person. cool firetruck pics... LOL

Old ones and new alike man, I didn't know my Facebook was open album I thought it was all private

Oh well doesn't matter I don't go on Facebook much anymore anyways

12-07-2012, 01:06 AM
eeeewwwwwwwwwwwww you wear crocs?????????????????? hahahahahahaha!!!!! those things are so retarded!!!! ok, I just made fun of your crocs....you're really far away from me and I'm in hiding so there!!!!!! :p

Grumpy Old Man
12-07-2012, 02:16 AM
Crocs aren't gay! Too much. I prefer mocs.

12-07-2012, 02:39 AM
Crocs aren't gay! Too much. I prefer mocs.

Mocs??? Hmmmm. Manly crocs??? hehehe.

12-07-2012, 12:08 PM
eeeewwwwwwwwwwwww you wear crocs?????????????????? hahahahahahaha!!!!! those things are so retarded!!!! ok, I just made fun of your crocs....you're really far away from me and I'm in hiding so there!!!!!! :p

You ain't that far and I'm on more firearms forums than I am on fishing forums for a reason!!!

Hmm beanbags

Lol just kidding y'all know I'd never hurt anyone! I love people too much! But she is on uneven ground messin with my crocs!

Aha Taser Definitely Taser!!!!

Hmm I wonder if we can order a case of these and have a taser war? And ill wear crocs just to show how manly they can really be. Unless someone finds their weakness and its a big one lol!

12-07-2012, 12:32 PM
Disclaimer: To the comment above it was a joke and I would never use a taser on anyone unless it was self defense. I have been Tased before and it is extremely painful and you will fall down.

But I wouldn't be past a good paintball game or Airsoft. Be warned my Airsoft rifle is a full sized full metal Draganov with a 180 spring pushing 800fps and 100+ yards I can peg a pair of goggles without any problems. That's why I'm still allowed in my Airsoft team and invited out even if I am in a Powerchair they want me sniping. Because I can peg the other team before they can get to me so I could be wearing bright orange and still take out a crew.

As for paintball I'm just using an MR1 spyder but that's all I need.

12-07-2012, 12:43 PM
Those rounds are neat! I could smack a deer or wolf or something, grab it and toss it into my buddy's car to 'wake' up. rofl!

12-07-2012, 12:58 PM
Those rounds are neat! I could smack a deer or wolf or something, grab it and toss it into my buddy's car to 'wake' up. rofl!

Lol that's better than tossing a dry ice buster in the back of my brothers truck bed when he was about to leave!


About deer waking up, short story for ya! When I was a senior in high school I was driving a 300hp 2002 4.3 Chevy S10 I built up while I was working on the side twisting pretzels at the local mall.

On the way to school I saw the deer coming so I stomped on the gas and instead of hitting the front of the truck like it normally would have it ran into the drivers side rear from that monster instant throttle response it made a bad situation somewhat alright.

I stopped and assessed the damage, good sized dent no holes so it was a doe and then I look over and little miss was passed out on the road.

Word of advice, DO NOT PICK UP A PASSED OUT DEER. I knew that but it was a curve and she was young so when she started kicking I dropped her and ran. I don't think she ever walked straight again but idk, I was going at least 90 when she hit but that's better than a head on.

Now that said guys (and girls) here is a good tip. If a deer is dead they're eyes will be open. If they are shut like they are asleep they are passed out. If they are cringing shut just walk away because that thing is about to come alive or if it is hunting season finish the animal quick because it is in pain.

12-07-2012, 01:12 PM
Oh yeah guys I forgot to give y'all an update!!!

Things are going good, I'm walking farther and farther each day, still slightly in pain but I'm pretty tough so it's all good. I cut back my narcotics doses and that was my decision and the neurosurgeon was very surprised but I personally do not like being on pain meds. I went from 4-6hr to the 8-12hr long release but I am sticking to the muscle relaxants to allow my body to heal.

I broke one of the straps to my back brace pulling it down so I am going to have to replace it with some heavy duty fireman proof equipment rather than that sewn on POS. So I'm figuring that one out today, either para cord braided or some safety rope which I've got plenty of that.

12-07-2012, 01:44 PM
Glad to hear the recovery is going well. Good on you for dropping the pain meds. Way to many folks get on those and are hooked before they realize it.

- - - Updated - - -

Glad to hear the recovery is going well. Good on you for dropping the pain meds. Way to many folks get on those and are hooked before they realize it.

12-07-2012, 01:46 PM
good to hear! keep working, and you'll be back to normal in time for the M&G

12-07-2012, 02:36 PM
good to hear! keep working, and you'll be back to normal in time for the M&G

I'm trying but that is still a toss up in the air on that one, there's about two hours of road time and only doing a short 30 min drive sucked but ill do my best to get to where I can get out there!

12-07-2012, 02:41 PM
You just said that you are walking further and further each day... Start heading down now!


12-07-2012, 02:53 PM
Lol walking farther and farther is 100 yards, 150 yards, 200 yards, etc. They have this invention called the automobile, you should try it sometime lol

12-07-2012, 02:55 PM
We are talking 112.6 miles

That's roughly ~594,000 FT

Lol thanks but no thanks! Ain't no way I'm walkin that one!

12-07-2012, 03:00 PM
Lol walking farther and farther is 100 yards, 150 yards, 200 yards, etc. They have this invention called the automobile, you should try it sometime lol

Then I'd have to park the dogsled. And the dogs get angry if they cant run.

We are talking 112.6 miles

That's roughly ~594,000 FT

Lol thanks but no thanks! Ain't no way I'm walkin that one!

Just think of it as one infinitesimally small leg on this journey:


12-07-2012, 03:50 PM
LOL I am good my friend I am good!

There's a big difference between walking a few hours in an A/C environment looking at a TV and walking in the Florida heat! It's still warm down here lol

12-07-2012, 03:56 PM
...walking in the Florida heat! It's still warm down here lol

And that, my Friend, is the part I am looking forward to!!


12-07-2012, 03:59 PM
And that, my Friend, is the part I am looking forward to!!


Why don't you just move down here and be done with it lol

Gainesville Florida is about the perfect spot because its south enough heat isn't that bad in the summer and during the winter it's only jacket and jeans for maybe a week. Last Christmas I was wearing a shirt and shorts and I was comfortable.

12-07-2012, 04:10 PM
You did see the pic of my place in that other thread, no? I'd be really hard pressed to give that up!

Besides, these things:

really suck in sand

12-07-2012, 04:42 PM
You did see the pic of my place in that other thread, no? I'd be really hard pressed to give that up!

Besides, these things:

really suck in sand

Lol not all of Florida is sand! It never snows here so no icy roads and no "bread" phenomenon. They make these things called ATV's and Dirt Bikes and we also have Jet Ski's!

12-07-2012, 04:55 PM
ATV's you say???

we have them here too...


12-07-2012, 05:19 PM
ATV's you say???

we have them here too...


Lol yeah but you can't do 50 with that big o'l plow dogging snow! But I'm sure that thing will scoot on some open terrain in the summer!


Hey man to each their own! I like the warmth and no snow but that's my preference.

12-07-2012, 05:21 PM
Yeah, Some people 'might' call me weird; but I actually love winter, and a vacation away is nice, I wouldn't want to give it up entirely.

12-07-2012, 05:23 PM
Yeah, Some people 'might' call me weird; but I actually love winter, and a vacation away is nice, I wouldn't want to give it up entirely.

I'm the same way I just like to visit the snow occasionally and keep to the home!

12-07-2012, 07:58 PM
OR...you could have the best of both worlds and move into the middle of the country and have great summers and winters that won't snow ya in but still have it from about Nov-March. Problem solved.

12-07-2012, 09:33 PM
I am in the middle of the country. I am only about 9 miles from the exact longinitudinal center of Canada


12-07-2012, 11:07 PM
Yeah...it's ok if you like being a popsickle 10 months out of the year! I prefer nice warm weather most of the time and cold just around Christmas. Even our winters are too long for me. I love the snow but the older I get the less I want the cold. Guess I got real spoiled living in Fl for all those years. I like the seasons though.
Middle of the U.S. is much better.

12-07-2012, 11:18 PM
T some of us Tennessee folks LOVE snow. Send it on down.

12-10-2012, 11:37 AM
If I could, I would do that for ya pal! We had another 4" on Saturday. Time to pull out the sleds!

12-11-2012, 03:45 AM
Well guys I did a big no no and I screwed up bad. I was laying in bed and I arched my back to stretch. Needless to say my wife woke up to me screaming and crying.

I'm ok now just pushed the muscle into the rods and created an indescribable pain that you would not believe. If it wasn't for my wife I would not have been able to get out of bed and walk it off. No nerve damage and no pain anywhere else just the feeling of a KABAR being shoved to the hilt in the dead center of my lower back and being twisted is the best description I have of what it felt like.

12-11-2012, 03:53 AM
Now back into another situation and all of you snow folks give me your advice. 2012 polaris RZR 900 Stuck to the frame in snow and the winch won't pull it out. What equipment would you recommend to get it out?

I have a buddy from high school out in Utah now with the Air Force who has a RZR stuck on top of a mountain buried to the frame in snow and its going to take a snowmobile to even get to it.

What would you recommend to bring?

12-11-2012, 11:57 AM
A shovel and a buddy; an axe and a match. Dig out in front of the machine down to the skis. dig further out in front of it to make a 'ramp' back out and on top of the snow. Fire it up, and get the buddy to hold up the ass end, give the track a few good spins to free it up, and make sure all the packed snow is out. Once the machine is warmed up drive it out.

If you still cant get it back up on top of the snow, take the axe and cut a couple dozen 10-12 foot trees. It'll take a bit of work, but lift up the back and put several treees under the track, perpindicular to it. Once it is up and supported, you can tilt the machine to one sidee, and jam a couple under the ski that is in the air. when you tilt the machine the other way, it'll be up higher on the first trees, and you slide more in under the newly raised ski. The poles will work like snow shoes to elevate the sled. Once you are up and supported, contine to add more poles to until you have one about every 6 inches, from the back of the track, out about 10 feet beyond the front of the machine. line one pole parallel with the machine on either side, and use your paracord to lash it together. Make sure it is warmed up and ready to run, and give it some juice.

If that still doesn't work, dip 20' of paracord into the tank, lie it out like a fuse, light it and walk away

12-11-2012, 01:10 PM
It's not a tracked machine its a RZR Sport UTV Side By Side

Just a big four wheeler

Edit: A REALLY BIG Four wheeler

12-11-2012, 01:28 PM
oops. my bad

install a set of these (4)


drive it out

12-11-2012, 01:38 PM
oops. my bad

install a set of these (4)


drive it out

Lol or he could just get two for the rear and then send me two to make a Powerchair that's capable of my needs lol

I'm doing my best to keep going and I am compiling a bare minimum survival kit list for him and including:

Cribbing and Slider Boards
Space blankets
Fire kit
High Lift Jack
Exhaust Jack Bags
Spare Tire and Hub
Tire Chains
Flare Gun

All of This (excluding spare tire and hub) needs to go into a Small box that I am working on dimensions for an Overhead box that is still in the frame as to keep the survival box inside and easily accessible without getting out of the vehicle and a complete custom job that no one has thought of. Once again I get to put my name on something.

Once again my life has a meaning, something to build to produce to design. I am a hell of a builder and I know I am talented, take my greenhouse for example.

Heck ill go take a few photos of a project I just started on yesterday on my trailer! I did build the trailer from the ground up from just the box of the frame. All engineered by knowledge that just comes to me. I didn't graduate the University of Florida's Research high school at the top of my class and every other school just because of my 145 IQ.

I am finally seeing that college and firefighting has given me the tools and engineering to produce high quality items with just a few measurements.

Sniper I am sending you a PM my friend!

12-11-2012, 01:47 PM
k, 4 wheelers... I've gotten mighty stuck with them too...

About the only real thing that is going to get him out, as I see it, is a decent block and tackle. assuming of course, that there is a tree or something that he can pull to. Get a 3 or 4 part set of sheaves. you will multiply the strength of the winch exponentially based on the number of parts of line. and again... a good shovel. If the snow is decently packed a couple planks can be helpful as makeshift ramps to get back up on top.

when you attach the pull line to the tree, do so as high as possible, that way it'll give the machine lift as well as pull, so you're not trying to drag it straight through the crap.

12-11-2012, 01:51 PM
Well I wasn't there and he didn't think to call me so... The batteries are dead and so the winch is useless now.

I am working on getting him to listen but my plan is high jack lifting and cribbing to get it above the height of the snow and then using the "slider boards" which are 2x6" boards with a thick polycarbonate vinyl used on boat trailer bunk boards and its a very slick very tough product that's cheap from Overtons.

Then a snowmobile could easily slide the RZR off onto steady ground without any hard pulling risking tearing up another machine.

Now I'm not a man that has been in the snow much but firefighter training even In Florida included training on snow survival and stuck vehicles in snow because when I was working if there was ever a national emergency we could have been called to anywhere in the country. Happens more than people know.

12-11-2012, 01:59 PM
Is he not going back up with another machine? Can the quad not be boosted? I would rather pack a spare battery and be able to utilize the machine's abilities rather than treat it like dead weight.

Does it have a front or rear diff. lock? If so, an easy winch (for a running machine), is to loop some 4" webbing (like they tie loads down on semi's with) around a tree, put a spacer bar (2x4) between them to match the center of tires on the machine. Wrap the strap 3-4 times around the tire, so it comes off in the correct direction. Put the machine in granny low, and walk it out

12-11-2012, 02:02 PM
What he doesn't understand is that how close he cut it to where him and his buddy had to trek two hours to get to a friend to pick them up and that he was on top of a mountain hours away from civilization with NO gear whatsoever. If he wouldn't have had cellphone signal or if they were an hour later they could have been killed.

He is lucky. VERY lucky. 25-30 degrees when they started and atleast down to 10 degrees on the trek out, top of a mountain to an offroad vehicle two hour trek and if it was an hour later then what.

12-11-2012, 02:05 PM
Is he not going back up with another machine? Can the quad not be boosted? I would rather pack a spare battery and be able to utilize the machine's abilities rather than treat it like dead weight.

Does it have a front or rear diff. lock? If so, an easy winch (for a running machine), is to loop some 4" webbing (like they tie loads down on semi's with) around a tree, put a spacer bar (2x4) between them to match the center of tires on the machine. Wrap the strap 3-4 times around the tire, so it comes off in the correct direction. Put the machine in granny low, and walk it out

He tried to go back with a friend with a jeep lifted on 35's and high travel and it couldn't get halfway up the mountain. It's a snowmobile lightweight operation and probably a plywood step by step to get it down. This thing is in it DEEP and in super soft fresh snow.

Edit: Two batteries, one for the winch and one for the motor. But sitting in place right now it has to be dug out before it can be started. Doesn't have a heater but I did bring up using the exhaust and a flexible pipe with a pair of welding gloves to create a "melting machine" using exhaust to melt down snow under near the tires and then wait for it to freeze creating a hard packed ice to put cribbing and other equipment.

12-11-2012, 02:30 PM
two batteries? then throw in a short set of jumper cables. once the machine is running, put the cables on to charge the winch batter. If it is sitting there idling anyway - you may as well make the best of it.

stepping it down with plywood - wow! that's a whole lot of work that probably wont be necessary. If you can get a sled up to it, then make a couple trips over a day and pack down a trail well wide enough for the tires. after a day or two, it'll be solid enough to drive on.

I did something similar with my wife a number of years back, we went out to my family's cabin for New Years. Which is a 3 hour drive North, Then an 11 mile bush trail to get to the lake, then 5 miles across the lake, and through some winding portages to the cabin. We went in easy enough, with a snowmobile and a quad, as there was only about 4 inches of snow. 2 days later, it snowed 18" which rendered the quad all but useless. Then it warmed up enough to melt the snow down to 15" of wet shit, which rendered it completely useless.

That day, I took two runs out to the truck and back with the snowmobile, and packed the trail down, the next day, we fought the machine up onto the sled trail and drove it out like it was on a road.

12-12-2012, 06:13 PM
Hey everyone just an update, I'm finally back to normal somewhat, no more stretching for me but I am doing decently good!

Pain is still there but at least its not as bad as before

12-12-2012, 06:21 PM
yeah, yeah... but, how's the Polaris?



12-12-2012, 06:23 PM
It's his problem and I've done everything I can to help him get prepared but I need to take care of my preparing, my day is in need of structure

12-12-2012, 06:32 PM
Alright, I'll tell my Polaris' that I have no new information, but they are worried, and sending their best wishes to the Razor.

12-12-2012, 09:22 PM
Alright, I'll tell my Polaris' that I have no new information, but they are worried, and sending their best wishes to the Razor.

Tell your polaris that an extremely intelligent man with too much time on his hands is about to start designing custom box blueprints for polaris ATV's and Side By Sides.

Then when he is able he will produce said storage boxes at an affordable price.

12-12-2012, 10:01 PM
Interesting concept.... sleds too? Be nice to seal them up for the off season.

12-13-2012, 12:26 AM
Interesting concept.... sleds too? Be nice to seal them up for the off season.

Lol I was talking about storage boxes for gear but I could also design a bolt together box system that could slide away in the off season flat and then ride your transportation into it when it gets too cold. They could even be insulated!

12-13-2012, 01:46 PM

I was thinking that they'd be opened up when it got too warm, the machine parked inside for the summer! Insulation would not be necessary. protection from mice, sun, etc, would

12-13-2012, 01:48 PM
I'm a long way away from building a dynamic modular box and then onto patenting and not to mention mass producing.

We are talking years in order to create a box that can't be stolen just by "anyone"

12-27-2012, 10:02 AM
Well guys I'm sorry I haven't been keeping you updated but my grandfather ended up falling and breaking his hip. That is the straw that broke the camels back.

Now he is in Hospice and is going to pass away. Meanwhile I am stuck in Florida and can't get to him because of my recovery but my mother is up there with him along with his other daughter.

I'm not going to go into specifics but its way over and I accept it. He lived a long life and taught me how to be a man and this time he isn't coming back.

Its going to be a hard time for me for the next few months but I will have a damn tough man pushing on my shoulder when I think about quitting and he knows what makes me tick. Giving up is not an option.

My Grandfather knocked out a security guard and slammed a doctor into a wall before they sent him to hospice. They finally got the message to leave him the hell alone.

He is tired of being in pain and wants to go with God. That's something I not only respect and accept but also honor and won't forget.

12-27-2012, 11:57 AM
Sorry to hear bud! With that kind of angel on your shoulder, you'll be back in fighting shape in no time!

god speed!

12-27-2012, 08:22 PM
Buddy , I'm so sorry to hear that but he did a great job with you and he'll be watching over you.

12-27-2012, 08:37 PM
Buddy my prayers are with you in this difficult time. I know how hard it is to lose someone who has meant so much in your life. I do hope you are able to talk to him by phone every day at least until he does go to be with God as these last conversations will mean more to him than you can imagine and years from now they will mean the world to you after the pain starts to subside.

I don't want to be a jerk or anything but when ya'll post and spell God, please capitolize Him....it's kind of a pet peave of mine. Thank you so much.

12-27-2012, 09:32 PM
Prayers on the way for your Grandfather, family, and you.

12-28-2012, 02:11 PM
Prayer sent for quality remaining days and a peaceful passing and also a prayer for you and yours.

Grumpy Old Man
12-28-2012, 02:58 PM
Prayers sent heavenward for you and yours! May you be comforted.

12-28-2012, 08:04 PM
I know it is a big shock to the nervous system, and as a fellow spinal fusion patient, I know how you feel physically. But I'm sure your Grandfather would want you to take care of your self first.

01-07-2013, 10:32 PM
Sorry I haven't kept y'all in the loop but he passed away January 1st 2013 at 0200

Just been a rough time for me not being able to be there but they recorded the funeral and the preacher said everything I told him I wanted to say and I'm sure it took probably 20 minutes to do that but from what I've heard there couldn't have been anyone else to write out who he was and how much he has taught me and everything went good. They also had the Honor Guard and the Patriot Riders there and did the Volley.

01-07-2013, 10:35 PM
Thank you everyone for the prayers and good wishes, I woke up at 0200 and sent my mom a text asking if he had passed and she said just a few seconds ago. You really know when you are close to someone when you wake up out of the blue with a warm peaceful feeling and just know they have passed.

01-07-2013, 11:27 PM
Sorry to hear about his passing Buddy. We will be sure and keep you and your family in our prayers.

01-08-2013, 01:14 AM
So sorry to hear of his passing. Yes he let you know he's ok and at peace. Prayers to you and your family.

01-08-2013, 02:37 AM
Buddy I know exactly that feeling. I heard my grandmother saying my name just before she left. Some people you have such a strong connection with that even death cannot break. I'm sure there wasn't a dry eye as your words were read and your grampa heard every one of them. I'm sorry he has gone but I'm happy he no longer suffers. I pray for peace and healing for you and your family.

01-08-2013, 10:44 AM
in a SHTF situation as with every day, a prayer is first...

Taz Baby
01-08-2013, 01:56 PM
Buddy sorry to hear about your Grandpa. But think of it in a positive way, you now have the best guardian Angel watching over you that you could ever have and he won't let anything happen to you that you can't handle. What more can you ask for? So don't be sad that he is gone, be happy that you had those years with him and that you were taught by the best. When ever you are in doubt of something just ask your Grandpa what he thinks you should do and he will tell you the right thing to do.

Grumpy Old Man
01-08-2013, 04:15 PM
Buddy, my condolences on your loss. Most certainly your grandfather came to comfort you at his passing. He continues to live on in you; what he gave freely to you, give freely to you progeny. In your time of mourning remember that we have been promised that we who mourn will be comforted. May the Peace of Yahweh abide with during this time.

03-28-2013, 08:47 PM
Hey everyone as requested here's the update! For some reason my back pain is getting worse.... I'm not sure if its me trying to be productive or that I am in need of a better bed with more support or both?

It's been a pretty hard time trying to get up out of bed lately in the mornings and I've given up on bending over to pick up things. I've learned a lot of my road to recovery and one of the biggest things I have learned is physical pain can stop any man if its painful enough. Simple things like sneezing can really suck, but I know its all muscular pain trying to adjust to the rods and that's why if you felt my back you would feel knots and muscle spasms.

I purchased the house next door and moved my grandmother down from NC since she is in need of constant care with her having Alzheimer's and Diabetes so I have taken it on myself to be her full time caregiver. We spend the days watching little house on the prairie and wheel of fortune recordings.

So now I'm running two houses and 22 acres of land which is a handful for anyone but its worth it. I'm just glad I have the opportunity to still be around and spend the time with my family.

Other than that I will be selling my Jon boat to build a golf cart from the ground up that is going to be capable of the Baja 1000. My wife is not amused but I am trying to set my goal for 2015 to have a 1000cc golf cart set up as a sand rail and run the Baja with my buddy Chris as my navigator who is in the Air Force. I would be one of the few to be in the iron man group to run the Baja as the only driver and I think the first to do it on a golf cart.

Setting my goals high and shooting for the stars. I will never let my physical condition stop me from reaching my goals. You'll be seeing a racing ant pretty soon!

03-29-2013, 01:04 AM
Good to hear from you Buddy. Been wonderin if you fell off the face of the earth. Sorry to hear about your pain. I've got 2 herniated disk and generally they don't bother me to bad. but when they are flared up putting on socks, tying my shoes, or driving a manual transmission vehicle is damn near impossible. During those times muscle relaxers are your friend.
You are in my prayers!

03-29-2013, 02:40 PM
Thanks man, yeah I've just been pretty busy.

I'm glad I don't own a manual vehicle anymore because my tractor is getting increasingly hard to operate. If worst comes to worse I can just put a handle on the clutch.

How has everything been going for you?

03-29-2013, 10:30 PM
I too am sorry to hear that your still having pain Buddy and I also FEEL your pain Grrrrrrr. Like BP I have a herniated disk from a twelve year ago mishap and twice a year it flares up and goes sciatic. I've learned to just deal with it and when it flares I start popping Anti-inflammatories (Ibuprofen/Turmeric capsules/Advil) and on the coach I go with a heating pad that I kick on mid heat for 20 mins then off for 20 all day long. In my case most of the time I'm back on duty in four days but if I don't do what I do I'm out of for at least a weak.

There is also a simple stretch that I do that decompresses the spine. Sit in a chair and just bend over with my head and arm's between my legs as far as I can go and hold it of the count of 10 then sit up as straight as I can for a 10 count then back down again. Try doing this ten time every morning as your putting your shoes/boots/Clogs on and it might help.

03-30-2013, 01:03 AM
Buddy, just been busier than a one legged man in a butt kickin contest. :)

E, I have a similar routine when my back is acting up. I do an alternating Ice pack, heat routine about 20-30 minutes each. it helps with the spasams. Also one of my PT's worked on me years ago and I noticed when I was on my back, she would lift one leg bent knee'd and sort of cross my body with it (think right knee over left hip). she would alternate that for a period and usually I would feel movement in my spine where stuff was going back into place and get almost instant relief. It would last sometimes for hours others for days. If I can catch it early sometimes once will get me back fuctioning.

03-30-2013, 01:29 AM
My physical therapist had me laying face down for 20 mins, then 20 mins with two pillows under my stomach, and then 20 minutes with my knees under me bent as far as possible. It worked pretty good but right now until my bone graph has grown I can't do any stretches. So maybe 4 months or so I will be back to bending over and stretching it out.

It's a fine line because too much work and I can ruin the bone graphs and bend the rods, too little work and my muscle spasms make movement impossible.

03-30-2013, 02:28 PM
Yeah BP I was doing the ice and heat there for quite awhile but the last time I did it I had a huge set back. I had to be taken to the ER via an ambulance because the pain was to sever to even move so walking/crawling was out of the question.

It might have not been the Ice that caused it but I'm too afraid to try it again and too my back always seems to flare when it turns cool out.

03-30-2013, 02:47 PM
I have an electric heat pad next to the bed so if it gets really bad I can lay down on it and crank up the heat.

Have either of you been having increased pain before it rains?

03-30-2013, 04:21 PM
I haven't noticed .much difference in my back in bad weather. Knees yes back not so much.

My problems other than lack of flexibility, seems to be something moving out of place and then setting off muscle spasams. The ice seems to help me more than anything for short periods. Then I'll take a good hot shower. My pt's have all recommended ice to relax the spasams.

03-30-2013, 04:30 PM
Have y'all tried any different kinds of back braces? I'm using the one my neurosurgeon gave me but I need a full back support brace to be able to do any trail riding.

The one thing that's really annoying for me is the bone growth stimulator. 4 hours a day every day with no days off until the bone has finished growing.