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View Full Version : ISIS attempting to hack the electric grid?

10-20-2015, 02:38 PM
We know it is only a matter of time until ISIS, or ISIL, whichever way you want to call them, will have some success in attacking the USA on our own soil. I do not know how much validity there is in the following, we can all do the research.


This is another reason I want a solar electric system NOT dependent on the grid.

10-20-2015, 06:32 PM
I've been following this discussion on another forum. I will try and add some links they had about it. I don't recall seeing the one you posted.

I think we have already had some probing attacks. There was one story I remember about a sub station getting shot up and knocked out. I want to think that was in Cali maybe a year or so back. Never heard any more once it came out.

10-20-2015, 10:49 PM
The grid has for many moons been a target... but today and tomorrow, its a very attractive target!


10-20-2015, 11:10 PM
A couple of well placed booms at a couple of key nuc-sites, and we could all be in a world of hurt!

10-21-2015, 12:48 AM
Here are a couple of links.



10-21-2015, 01:01 AM
There was a University in the Rocky mountains which got a briefing by the FBI regarding cyber attacks. They told the university to report any attacks which were attempted. The University asked them when should they report them. They were told right away. They asked the FBI if they only wanted to be contacted during business hours or at all hours. They were told all hours. Then they asked it they could just report each day the total number of attacks. The FBI was perplexed and asked if some times they had multiple attacks in a day. School told them on any given day they had upward to 100 attempts on their systems.

Everyday there are hundreds if not thousands of attacks on the United States from internal and external entities from all over the world. The old saying is it is not if but when. There was also a water agency on the east coast which had their system changed by Chinese hackers. So stand by for whatever happens next.

10-21-2015, 11:10 AM
308 to the lower section of a substation x former and the coolant will leak out, before its all out there will be a pretty show.
Possibly 3006 but I can promise a 50 will get in. No need to hit the internals, just let the oil out and it will be
a catastrophic failure.

The little round pole mounts will go down with an AK or AR round. Drive down the road and zap them as you drive and you
took down a subdivision.


10-21-2015, 12:36 PM
Those are the easy things to replace. It is the transformers which are harder to replace. The thing about the hackers is if they can get in they can control a much larger area. When it comes to electricity when one goes down other neighboring systems will kick in to pick up the slack. When there is a large failure the neighboring systems may fail causing a domino effects.

10-21-2015, 05:31 PM
EB's scenario is what happened in the story I recall from a couple years back.

If you recall a few years ago when a large part of the east, including parts of Canada went dark , there was only a few key location that went down. It shut down a huge area of both countries. The Way stuff is tied together IMO makes it easier for a overall collaspe.

10-21-2015, 06:40 PM
One reason I am glad Texas has it's own grid, not tied to other states. I believe it is the only state that is this way.

10-21-2015, 09:03 PM
ISIS is not an ignorant group of people. If they figured out how to organize 9/11 (may have been under a different name) the GRID shouldnt be an issue. I think they have things arranged and are waiting for a particular event.

Alas Babylon
12-07-2015, 12:51 PM
Ted Koppel, formerly from ABC news and Nightline, just released a book called "Lights Out - A Cyber Attack, A Nation Unprepared, Surviving the Aftermath". Its basically an in depth investigative report on our grid, what can take it down, how, and then what would happen. I Just got a copy and I am about half way through. Honestly its a bit dry reading, very technical and in depth. I've been skimming most of the book.
What's frightening is its by a mainstream news guy, citing his sources, both government and private sector as to where he got his info, and it make me realize even more how possible this is. It is absolutely not a work of fiction.

From the Amazon book description:

In this New York Times bestselling investigation, Ted Koppel reveals that a major cyberattack on America’s power grid is not only possible but likely, that it would be devastating, and that the United States is shockingly unprepared.

Imagine a blackout lasting not days, but weeks or months. Tens of millions of people over several states are affected. For those without access to a generator, there is no running water, no sewage, no refrigeration or light. Food and medical supplies are dwindling. Devices we rely on have gone dark. Banks no longer function, looting is widespread, and law and order are being tested as never before.

It isn’t just a scenario. A well-designed attack on just one of the nation’s three electric power grids could cripple much of our infrastructure—and in the age of cyberwarfare, a laptop has become the only necessary weapon. Several nations hostile to the United States could launch such an assault at any time. In fact, as a former chief scientist of the NSA reveals, China and Russia have already penetrated the grid. And a cybersecurity advisor to President Obama believes that independent actors—from “hacktivists” to terrorists—have the capability as well. “It’s not a question of if,” says Centcom Commander General Lloyd Austin, “it’s a question of when.”


Illini Warrior
12-07-2015, 01:50 PM
it's not only the electric grid - it's utilities in general .... they are attacking the various pipelines, water treatment, sewage treatment, transportation and even the municipal control centers for stuff like traffic control ....

if it was ONLY ISIS - less to worry about .... the Chinese supposedly have an entire computer complex for nothing else but cyber attacking .... training their computer nerds to hack across the world ....

there's been some mysterious explosions at Chinese factories? - supposedly answering from a western country that has been under Chinese cyber attack - "two can play at that game"

Caveman Survival
12-08-2015, 02:40 PM
Alas Babylon - George Norrie had him on coast to coast the other night, and koppel was very passionate about it. Norrie in fact has been a huge pusher in terms of vying to .gov to protect the grid for years. Sure the costs would be astronomical, but if the U.S. could pass on a couple of invasions, occupations and wars, just a couple mind you, it could be paid for...in cash. With change back for a coffee

12-08-2015, 04:35 PM
I think that there are website out there that track the amount of attacks via the web that the USA has, and it updates in real time. I think many of you would be surprised (or maybe not surprised ) how many there actually are. Norse puts out an attack map that shows web based attacks as they are happening


As for ISIS attempting to attack our power grid, Im pretty sure they are going to have to stand in line behind the Chinese, Russians, Nigerians, and a few others.

12-09-2015, 02:46 PM
I read the Koppel book. It is good for the information which most of us already know about. The thing I like most about it is the name recognition of Koppel. I have got copies for people who I want to wake up. He is not thought of as a prepper, me, or a kook, me..... Another point it is not in a novel but a book which documents what would happen. It is amazing how many people are aware but it just gets kicked down the road for the next administration.