View Full Version : Terrorism hit fairly close to home this week

12-05-2015, 06:28 PM
Wednesday's terrorist attack in San Bernardino was a little under 40 miles from our home. I was just preparing to leave my place for a late afternoon rehearsal when I first heard reports. Rumors were flying. Just as I was about to get on the freeway there was a report that the 3 (first reports were 3 shooters) were spotted in a black SUV headed to the Pasadena area on the same freeway I would be on. Then the reports came in of the shoot out taking place. By the time I arrived at my destination 2 of the shooters were confirmed dead, police searching for the third. (It now appears that only the 2 were involved).

My nephew, a marine with combat experience in Granada and Beirut posted on FaceBook, "WTF is going on? Helicopters. SWAT trucks and hundreds of cop cars. Can not move, I am stuck." At the time he was about 1/2 mile from the original attack. A good friend of mine who teaches music at a local school was on lockdown. Apparently the union Christmas party and dance for my wife's company was to be less than a mile from the original attack. She said some of her co-workers had decided not to go. We had never planned on going.

Someone I know from another local website has a friend whose girlfriend was killed Wednesday. He was distraught and took his own life Friday.

So, now it is here. We are not changing our lifestyle in fear of terrorism. I will say that my head is on more of a swivel. I now have several firearms ready to go, though attacks of any kind on private residences have not happened anywhere, other than in the middle east. I know of two people who have said they will begin to carry concealed even though not licensed. Here in Los Angeles County, it is all but impossible to get a permit unless you have been a big political donor.

Right now this is still the lead story on all the SoCal newscasts and new info comes out every hour.

Well, it is off my chest and just wanted to share.

Take care.

12-05-2015, 06:30 PM
Stay safe!

Be vigilant!

12-05-2015, 07:01 PM
Glad you all are OK SoCal. Be safe there, besides New York I can't think of another state that is more likely to be hit.

12-05-2015, 07:53 PM
Glad you're OK.

12-05-2015, 09:45 PM
Tried by twelve or carried by six. I promote doing as much lawfully as you can but sometimes the law doesn't work.

12-05-2015, 09:45 PM
Glad your okay....

If you can, keep a GHB with you... 2 MREs and some water.. *several* magazines, flashlight (and one red lenz), spare batteries, beanie cap, etc etc.. Stuff you might need for 24 hours solo. Maybe a spare Hipoint in the trunk to back up your primary, etc.. etc..

One day, you may be caught in stand still traffic and decide it time to move away on foot...

Make sure its Grey Man gear... a civilian backpack will go un noticed where a USGI backpack (while is awesome) would be a possible 911 call by some liberal skeered for there life...

Im just thinking out loud, mostly Im glad with it being so close you didnt end up sucked into the vortex of it all...

Be safe-

12-06-2015, 03:06 PM
One thing you will not see on the news it the male suspect tried to get a job with our county.

12-07-2015, 02:26 AM
Does anyone feel any better or safer after "our" president came on national TV, after immediately jumping to conclusions last week and blaming America for its own gun violence, and now back pedals and finally claims it terrorism. I feel deeply for anyone who personally was involved, from the victims to the police who were involved. I will still continue as a legal citizen to exercise my legal rights to be armed at all times, if not to try and to help someone else, but at least to try and protect myself and family. Harsher gun laws would not have helped in this tragic situation, but just one person with a weapon in there might have stopped or changed the outcome.

12-07-2015, 12:09 PM
The gun is just a tool as we all know. When the s##tbird rag head walks into a mall and hits a couple hundred American citizens with a suicide vest, liberal retards, blaming guns won't sound as important....

12-07-2015, 12:12 PM
I forgot the idiot was on last night. Not sure my brain wouldn't have flew out my ears listening to him. I know my BP would have shot up.

I am surprised he finally called it terroism, but I'm betting Muslim or Islam wasn't mentioned with it.

Illini Warrior
12-07-2015, 02:01 PM
we'll never know - unless it's back channeled thru some loose lips - these two + the other cell members had more in mind ....

they didn't prepare all those pipe bombs for this ad hoc attack .... I'm thinking a mall attack - just wondering if they chickened out from a Black Friday attack .....

12-07-2015, 03:28 PM
Does anyone feel any better or safer after "our" president came on national TV, after immediately jumping to conclusions last week and blaming America for its own gun violence, and now back pedals and finally claims it terrorism?

Not here. Won't be feeling safer for another 410 days.

I feel deeply for anyone who personally was involved, from the victims to the police who were involved. I will still continue as a legal citizen to exercise my legal rights to be armed at all times, if not to try and to help someone else, but at least to try and protect myself and family. Harsher gun laws would not have helped in this tragic situation, but just one person with a weapon in there might have stopped or changed the outcome.

Yup. In as litigious a state as the People's Republic, I'm flabbergasted that the victims' relatives aren't suing the state and the tangoes' estates for wrongful death. "Gun free zone" is code for human hunting preserve.

Every time this sort of thing happens, I cringe a bit, wondering if this is it... the act that tips it over for BHO to sign a batch of EO's that underlines his "fundamental change"... from ostensibly free governance to fully malignant rulership.


12-08-2015, 12:17 AM
It appears, several decent placed 223 rounds though a windshield, maybe more, had a pretty effective impact on there outcome.

That being said, if both had long guns, let the lesson be: Position, technique, strategy and teamwork- possibly greater numbers of boots on the ground, typically will prevail in a firefight.

In closing the ability to shoot, move and communicate are pinnacle.

BG: 2 members
SWAT: More than 2

BG: No comms
SWAT: Comms

BG: Stationary in a vehicle
SWAT: Dismounted and moved into positions quickly

BG: Semi trained
SWAT: More semi trained

That kinda sums it up though that is the Cliff Notes version...


12-08-2015, 03:04 AM
I live near a symbolic target rich environment, namely Philadelphia. People here are clueless. I drive for Uber and Lyft and you should see the looks I get whenever something goes in my trunk, as I have a fully loaded tactical bag in there. It has started some interesting conversation with the sheeple

12-08-2015, 02:48 PM
I have no idea how this story sits in the news in other parts of the country, but it is still the number one story here in the greater Los Angeles area. New info comes out almost every hour.

One of the terrorists (I refuse to use names, why glorify them?) mother lived in the home with them and she is being questioned. It is difficult to believe she lived with them in a 1,100 sq foot home and knew nothing. The father of one says he is a "liberal" and said on tv that he told his son to be patient, that "...in two years Israel would not exist."

12-08-2015, 04:07 PM
We are mostly getting the narrative here. Two were self radicalized, no other involvement. I call bullshit. Just today I saw an article stains that he had a 28,000+ deposit made just two weeks ago and multiple large cash withdrawls, at least on $10,000. Lot more to this story than they are letting out.

12-09-2015, 03:06 PM
If you have ever read Inspire magazine it teaches people how to make various types of explosive devices in their home. Looking at the photos of the devices they are similar to the ones taught in the magazine. They are taking a page from our own special interest groups of putting these devices out in the media making it harder to solve these crimes by not having a signature. The thing most concerning is the RF devices, which are a step up from your run of the mill pipe bombs. Obviously these types of device can be searched out on the internet but they require practice to see if they work. When they show photos and descriptions in a magazine like this there is a certain credibility the f*ucktards have when it is in print.

The news showed a "firearms instructor" who was interviewed. The guy said the crooks were concerned their guns were smoking after firing them a bunch. He said they appeared to be unfamiliar with the AR's, but they did not say when this training took place. It is my understanding they trained together at other locations, which obviously shows prior planning on their part. We are starting to see more of this with two man teams, Boston, Garland and now San Bernardino. The thing about these two is they made their get away. I am glad they were stopped before they could move on to other soft targets.

12-09-2015, 05:05 PM
Frankly my take on the San Bernardino shootings is this:

They were most likely part of a larger plot, or the primary target was something else at a later date. The male s*&tbag, got his feelings hurt at the training and start of the party, went home home and got his wife and the pulled the pin early and went back to the IRC (Inland Resource Center) to commit their cowardly act. Just my opinion based on the fact they had so many other pipe bomb making materials at home.

12-09-2015, 06:34 PM
calling the male shooter a $#|+bag is an insult to manure. At least manure is useful as fertilizer. The only thing that that tango was good for was as a demo of "how to be a cowardly worthless thug".

12-17-2015, 03:57 PM
Glad your okay....

If you can, keep a GHB with you... 2 MREs and some water.. *several* magazines, flashlight (and one red lenz), spare batteries, beanie cap, etc etc.. Stuff you might need for 24 hours solo. Maybe a spare Hipoint in the trunk to back up your primary, etc.. etc..

One day, you may be caught in stand still traffic and decide it time to move away on foot...

Make sure its Grey Man gear... a civilian backpack will go un noticed where a USGI backpack (while is awesome) would be a possible 911 call by some liberal skeered for there life...

Im just thinking out loud, mostly Im glad with it being so close you didnt end up sucked into the vortex of it all...

Be safe-

I do carry a GHB in my SUV. No trunk.The one thing I do not carry is some sort of firearm. Here in The People's Republik, the laws are rather bizarre and easy to run afoul of them. Things keep going south in regards to terrorism, many people are rethinking violating the law and carrying.

While I would be a bit hungry, I could get by for about 3 days if it is not really hot weather as I would not have enough water.

12-18-2015, 04:23 AM
Is there any way you could break down a shotgun so you could carry it in your car. I understand regarding not wanting to carry a handgun. For whatever reason people do not seem to think a shotgun is a serious weapon, they sure are wrong. I don't know what type of car you have but I have found in my wife's care I can hid a shotgun or a breakdown 10-22 easy enough.

12-21-2015, 07:50 AM
It takes me a few minutes to attach the barrel to the action of a 500 series Mossberg. Not nearly the twist n go of the TD 10-22s. But better than nothing.