View Full Version : *REAL* History books?

12-08-2015, 10:56 AM
Need some help here.. Lil'Bravo is showing an interest in REAL American history, not the twisted shit they teach in school.

We are both looking for some REAL history books written by scholars that are truly factual, can anyone direct me to an ISBN or a linky for any titles you may know of?

The time frame is from pilgrimage to present day. Key events are the Revolutionary war, Civil War, The Great Depression (the first one of course), Korean War, Viet Nam, WWI and II and other key pivotal moments in history.

Id venture to say, there are ZERO history books in Publk Skools that will ever mention Jekal Island and Fiat currency for example.


Fidel MD
12-08-2015, 12:56 PM
Don't have any to recommend but stay the hell away from anything by Howard Zinn

12-08-2015, 01:37 PM
Zinn, roger that, hafta oogle that.


12-08-2015, 01:46 PM
The problem is that there is always two sides to every story. For example,

Theodore Roosevelt was one of my iconic presidential icons. You will see oodles of things about how the people loved him, how he began the shooting sports nationally, and how he was a person that everyone would have kept in there as long as possible. On the other hand my economics book from 2 years ago painted him as a horrible person who had to be strong-armed into supporting the unions, was in the pocket of the Ford motor industry and really did no official political stuff at all.

The reason that Teddy was against Unions is because he had seen the reports from the Ford motor industries that factories that had unions attached to them produced 1/4 less than those that didn't and for almost the exact same amount of money.

I highly doubt you will find books that give fact. I think you will only find books with opinions one way or the other that the authors supports by SPECIFIC facts so that it supports their way of thinking while ignoring everything else.

12-08-2015, 02:19 PM
Eb, a couple titles come to mind right away. For the founding of our current finial isues "The Create from Jekyll Island" by Edward Griffen I think would be a good place to start. I will look for other titles I have forgotten.

James is correct any book tells one side. For the most part.

12-08-2015, 03:02 PM
I would suggest looking for non-American authors.

I read a few good books for my history major in University, but cannot recall the authors (One started with a V) and was excellent. I'll try to find it.

12-08-2015, 04:40 PM
I would say start looking for any textbooks that came before the computer age, for the most part, information is usually correct in them.

12-08-2015, 04:41 PM
Well, if a story is going to have a slant, might as well enjoy it with a conservative slat! HA HA!

Agreed, history is more than facts... there is plenty of grey area to throw opinion in!


12-08-2015, 07:16 PM
Along Stormy's thought, the older the books the better. IMO, after WWII things took a drastic left turn. Turn of the century stuff is much better. Has anyone ever saw the test from the Kansas schools from early 1900s? Those kids had to be pretty smart to pass. Nothing like the crap taught today.
My grandma took Latin in high school. Must have been around early 1930s.

Fidel MD
12-08-2015, 07:35 PM
Al9ng story's thought, the older the books the better. IMO, after WWII things took a drastic left turn. Turn of the century stuff is much better. Has anyone ever saw the test from the Kansas schools from early 1900s? Those kids had to be pretty smart to pass. Nothing like the crap taught today.
My grandma took Latin in high school. Must have been around early 1930s.

I took Latin in high school...in the 1970's....German too. In a public school in Los Angeles, when the schools were good there.

12-08-2015, 10:31 PM
Good information so far, we have a used book store in town, theres a rare chance pre WWII history books might be there..


12-08-2015, 11:55 PM
Good place to start EB. Also take a look in public libraries.

12-09-2015, 01:51 PM
I was one of those geeks who used to hang out at the used book stores when I lived in San Diego. It is amazing what you will find. Also check with your libraries. Out libraries receive books all the time for donations and then they sell off the ones they do not want. Most of these sales are springtime. So what to look for. I have a complete set of Encyclopedia Britannia 1940s, which I will never part with, it is amazing what you find in there. The encyclopedia Americana used to put out a yearbook. The year books do report from their point of view however I have found the old ones were gold. I have 1939 to 1956, each one has a wealth of information.

Another source would be to check out a conservative college or university and to to that department you are interested in. They will post book lists for their students. Then you can check the reviews on the books. Before you buy the books take a look to see if they are in PDF. Still unsure they will sometimes allow you to rent the book. Since you are reading them yourself, if you do not want to keep them then that might be the way to go.

Lastly take a look at College libraries. Many moons ago I attended San Diego State University and their library was great. When I was done their I would go over to U.C. San Diego. What most people don't know is the libraries are open for use but only students can check out the books. It will allow you to sample the books.

Have fun

Fidel MD
12-09-2015, 04:04 PM
The problem with old reference books (encyclopedias, medical reference books, etc) is that a lot of time, the information in them is wrong....so have current books too and check.

In the medical sciences, there is little from even 30 years ago (1985) that is correct. Go further back in time than that and it becomes dangerous.

12-09-2015, 10:49 PM
Oh, C'mon Fidel... Seriously? I am a firm believer in the use of leeches and the art of Phrenology!


Good point!

12-09-2015, 10:55 PM
Yeah, AFAIK you can go to any college library and sit and read.. leaving with the book is another story but it still a great option!

I like your ideas folks, thanks!


Fidel MD
12-09-2015, 11:57 PM
Oh, C'mon Fidel... Seriously? I am a firm believer in the use of leeches and the art of Phrenology!


Good point!

Sure....let us know when we can have your stuff...

12-10-2015, 03:40 AM
Yeah, if you die... we split up your gear.

12-10-2015, 04:10 AM
sounds fair. pass me another leech!
