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Thread: Often overlooked OTC meds.

  1. #1
    Premium Member

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    Often overlooked OTC meds.

    1. Ora gel. Everybody has had a bad toothache. You cant eat properly, its a distraction, it makes rest difficult and it just plain hurts.

    2.Ear ache relief. Once again same as above but as most of us know if you have little children they do get ear aches and that will add to a already stressfull situation if your child cant be calmed down.

    3. Pink eye medication. If no meds are available this will almost shut a person down but yet its very simple to treat with OTC drops.

    4. Gas X. If you have to dig into your preps and they are a differant type of food than what your body is used to this is a very real possibility. Not life threatening but it hurts and will make you less than 100%

    5. Sore throat spray. The last thing anybody needs is something as simple as this getting inflamed and progressing to something that would require anti biotics.

    6. Sunscreen. Everybodys had a sunburn and knows it hurts but can easily be avoided.

    7. Vicks. Once again everybody has had a runnin nose or sinus congestion. Simple fix but a big a pain if you cant.

    8. Sleep aid. Might not be for everybody but if you have done all you can do for your for your family dont stay up all night worring about it. They will need you rested agin the next day.

    9. Baby powder. Those with small chidren know that this can be a huge help.

    10. Athletes foot powder. Easy fix but will ruin your day if you cant get relief.

  2. #2
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Some others I thought of. Not all are OTC meds, but all have some similar properties.

    Benadryl tabs,work with several different issues allergies, and sinus to name 2.
    Anti dirreahal, enough said and no I cant spell worth crap
    Altoids, not a med but will help calm a cough and will help open your head up from congestion
    Motrin (iboprophen), helps releive many aches and pains, fever as well
    Poision IVY, OAK treatment. I'm not normally affected by it, but once TSHTF most folks will be cutting fire wood, picking wild eatibles, etc. If you are affected you will won't some on hand.
    Epson salts, a old good for most anything treatment. It works well for some, such as mix in some salts with hot water to soak a sprain or bad bruies in. It will help releive swelling and with the pain. Works as a laxitive. It can also be used sparingly as a calcium supplement on tomato plants. These are just a few that I know works.

    Very good thread. I'll be interested in seeing what everyone comes up with.

  3. #3
    Damn the propane, save the bacon!

    LUNCHBOX's Avatar
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    I will come up with some more but wanted to put this in now....

    Visine--If your up and down alot without as much sleep as you normally get this could come in handy.
    Calamine lotion--ex military personel will know what I mean, you get a painful rash and this helps for a quick fix.

    More to come.
    Be ready now, you won't have that chance later.

  4. #4
    Claims to have NEVER worn pink. Likely story.

    Twitchy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LUNCHBOX View Post
    Calamine lotion--ex military personel will know what I mean, you get a painful rash and this helps for a quick fix.
    BUT PASTE! (Do i get a cookie for the correct answer?)

    To contribute to the thread, don't forget Lice medications (fun topic but useful)
    Tylenol, benydryl, KI, will list more when i research...

  5. #5
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    Very good stuff and probably where my med kits are lacking the most. I can handle a gunshot wound but a good case of jock itch will probably shut me down.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  6. #6
    Do NOT mess with him while he's pumping gas.

    ak474u's Avatar
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    I highly recommend faultless powdered starch for chafing, the fact is if on foot for a long distance, you're gonna sweat, and a bath may be a luxury, painful, and morale breaking chafing is a distinct possibility. This was a trick I learned from my dad when I was in the boy scouts, I got so chafed once, I couldn't walk, my dad left the scout camp and ran into town, when he came back with the faultless starch, it was like a miracle cure.

  7. #7
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    might I add other remedies are available, too. bacpacker mentioned poison oak/ivy. houselhold bleach on a cloth, and laid on the area, will dry it out literally overnight. It does burn a bit, but if you're tolerant to a little pain, it's the fasted rememdy I know of.

    Beaudreaux's butt paste is also a good anti chaffing topical remedy.

  8. #8
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Another good anti chaffing remedy I've used while hiking for many days, long distances. Corn Starch. A buddy of mine told me about it, said he had used it for years. I gave it a try and it works great. Just don't mix it with your cook kit!

  9. #9
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    Not exactly a med, but an eyeglass repair kit found in the pharmacy is a must for us blind bastards.

  10. #10
    Damn the propane, save the bacon!

    LUNCHBOX's Avatar
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    Tums might be a good add-on.
    Be ready now, you won't have that chance later.

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