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Thread: Masks or rubber gloves, is there a need?

  1. #1
    Damn the propane, save the bacon!

    LUNCHBOX's Avatar
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    Masks or rubber gloves, is there a need?

    I have seen there are a few of us who keep operator gloves on hand. What about rubber gloves? I have seen a pair or two in a med kit but don't you think they would be a good idea to have more on hand. If you think a cold (or worse) is bad now when meds are available, what about later? Then there are the basic N95 masks. They are not costly by any means. If you have watched any of the scenario movies like Carriers, Contagion or any other....they have gloves and masks. It just seems that it is a couple of good items to have around. I for one don't want to handle or breath in something if I could have prevented it before hand.

    It may not seem like a big deal but next time your out and about look around at who might be coughing their way into your home now, not to mention later. Not being paranoid, just protective.
    Be ready now, you won't have that chance later.

  2. #2
    Has been known to look at Izzy's trunk. Stares at the junk in Izzy's trunk. Get it...he's checking out Izzy's trunk.

    Kodiak's Avatar
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    I have both rubber gloves and N95 masks on hand just in case, I do not however keep them in my BoB. Ive been meaning to update my bag for awhile and i think ill add these two items to mine and my wifes.
    “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” ~ G.K. Chesterton

  3. #3
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    I prefer the Nitrile gloves, and have several boxes, which contain 100prs each box.
    The Nitriles are tougher, and resist many chemicals which dissolve the regular rubber version.

    Don't have any N95 masks, probably should get some. I do, however, have either two or three gas masks, with spare filters for each.
    With something like this, a full face mask isn't necessary, so a paint or dust respirator could be used. No, they're not disposable, but you can replace the filters, cheaper than gas filters, IIRC. Also, they're built tougher, so in the field or in the rain, a respirator might be better in some instances.

  4. #4
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    I recall a segment on Doomsday Preppers (Yea I know but, I got some decent ideas there). The lady built 'pandemic kits' and gave them away. Having one of the kits is probably a good idea:

    - Bucket with lid - I reused a plastic cat litter bucket
    - Isolation gowns like they sometimes make you wear when visiting hosptial patients
    - Disposable shoe covers
    - Hair Covers
    - Goggles
    - Several packs of plastic drop cloths - for isolating parts of your house
    - Duct tape - for isolating parts of your house
    - N95 masks
    - Large bottle Antibacterial hand sanitizer
    - Antibacterial air freshner like Lysol
    - Nitrile or latex gloves - I buy nitrile - never know who is latex allergic

    Make sure the quantities in the bucket are large enough to support any visitors that may come calling

    Her website is

  5. #5
    Thunder Lizard Canning Club Chapter of the Old Farts Society

    Grumpy Old Man's Avatar
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    I get my nitrile gloves at Harbor Freight for a very reasonable price.
    Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me Liberty or give me death." Patrick Henry, Virginia House of Burgesses, March 23, 1775

    Quo Vadis?

    Luke 22:36, And he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

  6. #6
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    I've got a few N95 masks, but I'm definitely one of the type whose only rubber gloves are in his med kits. I should pick some up.
    Consilio et animis


  7. #7
    Claims to have NEVER worn pink. Likely story.

    Twitchy's Avatar
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    Funny thing, Of all things I dont have I do happen to have these, and coerced my friend into building a bugout bag he keeps in his car a all times...

    In the kit is a box of N95's (2 pair) and a box of nitrile gloves...
    It is, of course, obvious that speed, or height of fall, is not in itself injurious ... but a high rate of change of velocity, such as occurs after a 10 story fall onto concrete, is another matter.

  8. #8
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grumpy Old Man View Post
    I get my nitrile gloves at Harbor Freight for a very reasonable price.
    Me, too.

  9. #9
    Don't act like you aren't comfortable with him.

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    I think it's a great idea to have these on hand. I use rubber gloves for a lot of stuff around the house. I use them when I work on my truck, quad, motorcycle, and even mixing chemicals. It's very convenient to not have to wash your hands when they get all slimy. The masks, well they kinda speak for themselves, I hate even breathing in cigarette smoke so I sure as heck don't want to breath anything else in if I don't have to. now I'm not one of those people that wear them everywhere, but I do have both items readily available. The fiance used to work in the medical field (nurse), and she would bring home pockets full of alcohol prep pads, good medical grade gloves, and the doctor type masks (which I have the N92's also) that she didn't realize that she still had when she left work at night. I bought a box of good quality gloves for use around the house and also for SHTF type situations. Good all around items IMO!
    I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought with, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. -Albert Einstein

  10. #10
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    I have gotten several boxes of both nytril and rubber gloves and use them every now and then (sevin dust on the taters). i need to spread them around to some different places around the stored goods. Maybe break a box down into group s of 6-10 to store in BOB's, food boxes, etc.

    I also need to pick up a few boxes of N95's. I don't have near enough of those around.

    Something else I thought about and never did anything with. Tyvek jackets and pants, rubber , or tyvek booties. Who knows if there will ever be something nuclear, or even bad chemical to have to deal with. You will want this equipment to get out and do much of anything. I hope Alpha Tea will chime in on this with his recommendations.

    KMAB welcome to the forum. Glad you found us and look forward to hearing from you. I saw the same episode of DoomPrep as well. This bucket she made up were pretty well thought out. That would sure be worth having 3-4 of those on hand, or whatever fits your groups plans.

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